

What is SENATE?

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development pr Read more

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development process, the purchase of game items, etc. * Purchase space ships, modules for space stations and land plots (which is not possible with the SIDUS token).

What is SENATE?

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency f Read more

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development process, the purchase of game items, etc. * Purchase space ships, modules for space stations and land plots (which is not possible with the SIDUS token).

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to SENATE's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Rapid Decline
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.

Market Cap


Volume (24h)


Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to SENATE's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Rapid Decline
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 0.16% 24.76% 3.03% 19.34%
Follower 0% 0.03% 91.81% 91.79%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

Unfortunately, we do not have access to postings within this community at this time. If you have noticed that we do not connect all channels of the community, please let us know via the contact form.
Thank you for your support!





What is SENATE?

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development pr Read more

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development process, the purchase of game items, etc. * Purchase space ships, modules for space stations and land plots (which is not possible with the SIDUS token).

What is SENATE?

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency f Read more

The SENATE token is used by the in-game mechanics as a governance coin as well as in-game currency for certain products within the game. The voting system implemented uses third-party solutions and/or specially designed contracts. Users who hold SENATE tokens will be able to: * Create factions and manage them by holding votes. * Take part in project level voting to steer the game development process, the purchase of game items, etc. * Purchase space ships, modules for space stations and land plots (which is not possible with the SIDUS token).

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to SENATE's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Rapid Decline
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.

Market Cap


Volume (24h)


Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 0.16% 24.76% 3.03% 19.34%
Follower 0% 0.03% 91.81% 91.79%
Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#858 27,539
#811 14,460

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to SENATE's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Rapid Decline
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

Unfortunately, we do not have access to postings within this community at this time. If you have noticed that we do not connect all channels of the community, please let us know via the contact form.
Thank you for your support!

Coins to Watch

Price $1.45 -2.58% CD-Score 39/100
Price $2.78 +2.49% CD-Score 48/100
Price $0.007709 +1.99% CD-Score 42/100

Coins to Watch