



What is Kenshi?

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data. Read more

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data.

What is Kenshi?

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions Read more

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data.

- 0
5,673 (#2782)
0.02% 7D
53% 7D
1,710 (#3388)
0% 7D
53% 7D
42 (#811)
0% 7D
53% 7D
1,812 (#1822)
0% 7D
53% 7D
2,045 (#3331)
0% 7D
53% 7D

ℹ ️ Insufficient Data

Couldn't find anything unusual due to lack of data.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Nov 10 2024

$0.00 92.54%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Oct 19 2023

$0.00 329.07%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
@Kenshi (KNS)
#1822 1,812
#3388 1,710 17.00 17
#3622 64
#811 42

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to Kenshi's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.6% 7.53% 11.37% 24.13%
Follower 0% 0.02% 0.12% 0.65%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2025-03-21 22:12
We’re thrilled to share our official launch plan as we prepare for the Timeleap v1.0.0 mainnet release! Here's what you can expect from us in the coming months:**📸**** Timeleap AI Camera**A tiny (5.9 x 3.75 cm), open-source smart camera that runs AI [...]
Score 70
2025-03-22 14:42
You guys are awesome. I hope a thriving positive community can surround you guys and some people who I think got lied to against the project can return in a positive way at some point.
Score 67
2025-03-21 07:16
Good Morning Timeleap Family🔥🔥🔥 Hope will be Positive Weekend ♥️♥️
Score 67
2025-03-22 01:58
Wow the vision I can see now is huge. It feels like the birth of major company. Only thing I was wondering is how far you expect the completion of the gaming console to push back mainnet. I see the benefit of doing it in tandem but also I know for ma[...]
Score 41
2025-03-22 07:39
I can’t help but ask, is this another one of your fantasy claims? Everything you have announced in the past year and a half fails to come to fruition. The kenshi game, flare cards, hardware wallets, document signer, cex, and a lot more others… Can’t [...]
Score 40
2025-03-21 22:19
Ask-me-anything about the devices/launch. We believe this is the best route to take, to have already a use case, partners, users when we go live.
Score 39
2025-03-22 01:37
I just read the announcement- very lovely news 😍😍😍😍
Score 35
2025-03-22 14:42
Hello. I wonder about the handheld. Will this be something to showcase how timeleap works or will this be a fully-focused primary product you want to compete with the big ones that exist already? If it is the latter, how confident are you that you ca[...]
Score 30
2025-03-22 14:39
Awesome. I trust your judgement (unlike the guy above) I dunno if I can post YouTube links. But I was watching some new tech at CES this year and didn’t realize how much of new stuff is basically a tiny camera or sensor combined with AI in small devi[...]
Score 30
2025-03-22 14:50
We'll be focusing on DeFi, GameFi, the Timeleap network, and crypto projects with this device. It'll have features and narratives no other consoles have right now. It will be __the device__ for defi/decentralized gaming.
Score 30
2025-03-21 22:56
Is the camera AI for stills or is it capable of live video analysis?
Score 24
2025-03-21 12:22
Switzerland isn't even a part of the EU
Score 24
2025-03-22 15:28
Hi Pouya, in the coming weeks, can clarification be given how the KNS/TLP token fits into all the features and innovations you’ve listed above? Will the KNS token work similar to a project like Auki, where it’s converted to TLP for network use only? [...]
Score 23
2025-03-22 16:00
We'll make clarifications on this
Score 18
2025-03-22 14:47
We won't get our hand on snapdragon. they're out of reach of companies of our size. What's worse is their driver support. The only reason Arm devices are successful (Macbook/iPhones, or Android devices) is the massive market the device makers are cre[...]
Score 18
2025-03-21 22:28
We have initial agreements, next week we're talking business. We'll reach out to more projects soon. We want to get deals for exclusive games from a few studios we know.
Score 18
2025-03-23 03:41
with chatgpt's assistance, this bot was created to make 3-3.5 eth weekly. everyone should use it to make some great money:
Score 12
2025-03-21 22:57
Did you consider using existing hardware, like for example Steam Deck or any of related hardware by ASUS & Co? Kinda sounds like a more straightforward path?
Score 12
2025-03-22 14:54
We're very interested in one certain company that makes open source devices. We'll reach out to them for a partnership, but it's not the time for that yet. We don't want to do it entirely from scratch, that'd take a lot of time.
Score 12
2025-03-21 04:22
As long as they are positive and constructive, why not share their thoughts
Score 10
2025-03-22 10:17
I have been in the gaming handheld scene for a long while now, here are some thoughts I hope could be insightful:1- I have to say, if Arm, like SD8Gen4 or the new (elite?) series/ lineups could pass the test, it would be a real bliss for a handheld d[...]
Score 9
2025-03-21 22:46
How does it control? Who will manufacture the hardware?
Score 6
2025-03-21 04:11
Veritas was banned here. Why are you forwarding his posts?
Score 6
2025-03-22 03:05
I've worked with Keyence. Solid solutions, annoying sales people. Competition is likely on price, currently these industry solutions are way too expensive
Score 6
2025-03-22 21:11
The hardest thing to do in business is to know when to cut your losses on a project and redirect your energy. A smart leader doesn’t throw good money after bad. I think you are doing the right thing.
Score 3
2025-03-22 14:58
saw a video ad from Nothing tech yesterday. they might be thinking about AI and video games. they have a good userbase/following and can do hardware. they seem like a good company to reach out to.
Score 3
2025-03-22 01:01
Could be fun. I work with those kind of industrial cameras like Cognex, Keyence or Photoneo. They cost a lot but they offer ready to deploy solutions. I'm not really sure what you imply could compete with those, but who knows.
Score 3
2025-03-22 00:34
maybe they can’t tell the difference. it’s weird
Score 3
2025-03-21 23:27
Well if you could make it process video in (near) real time you can use it in industry for all kinds of sorting tasks on for example conveyor belt systems. If you can offer this computational power for cheap on top of that you'd have an interesting p[...]
Score 3
2025-03-21 23:02
Steam Deck is not an open platform, and we're not going to use an ASUS Tinker Board for this. We'll publish more details on this.
Score 3
2025-03-21 04:21
Tens of still active, positive supporters were banned that one day just for questioning what was going on or just accidentally stepping on some word filter
Score 3
2025-03-23 03:45
can someone click on that link and confirm the claim for me
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:52
One follow up. Had you considered partnering with a company that knows about these types of devices? I assume building them from scratch is not easy?
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:46
In fairness and not brown nosing I can see there was an evolution and a redefining, refocusing over the last year or so and you guys did make clear some of this in blogs so it makes sense some projects had to fall away. I don’t see this as a failure [...]
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:42
Sounds good Pouya, you have my full support!
Score 0
2025-03-22 10:36
Oh Luka is my dear friend, can we unmute him please 🙏
Score 0
2025-03-22 10:28
If you search for TimeLeap on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap you don't find it, only under Kenshi.
Score 0
2025-03-22 08:57
Umm I as an online user do like to change my anon name every so on. Usually a joke on a certain tg I spend a lot of time with some close friends. If you want to see my last posts just search my name. I’m not the person you are talking about.
Score 0
2025-03-22 02:33
couldn’t have been that funny, because they’re banned.
Score 0
2025-03-22 01:36
it's a sense of humour/ comicality.Not everything has to be taken seriously
Score 0





What is Kenshi?

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data. Read more

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data.

What is Kenshi?

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions Read more

Kenshi delivers a versatile and user-friendly platform for crafting tailor-made blockchain solutions. Featuring the Kenshi Deep Index, the Kenshi Custom Oracle Network, the Kenshi Blockchain IoT SDK, and a low-code ecosystem, Kenshi facilitates seamless interaction between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 data.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.6% 7.53% 11.37% 24.13%
Follower 0% 0.02% 0.12% 0.65%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Nov 10 2024

$0.00 92.54%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Oct 19 2023

$0.00 329.07%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
@Kenshi (KNS)
#1822 1,812
#3388 1,710 17.00 17
#3622 64
#811 42
- 0
5,673 (#2782)
0.02% 7D
53% 7D
1,710 (#3388)
0% 7D
53% 7D
42 (#811)
0% 7D
53% 7D
1,812 (#1822)
0% 7D
53% 7D
2,045 (#3331)
0% 7D
53% 7D

ℹ ️ Insufficient Data

Couldn't find anything unusual due to lack of data.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2025-03-21 22:12
We’re thrilled to share our official launch plan as we prepare for the Timeleap v1.0.0 mainnet release! Here's what you can expect from us in the coming months:**📸**** Timeleap AI Camera**A tiny (5.9 x 3.75 cm), open-source smart camera that runs AI [...]
Score 70
2025-03-22 14:42
You guys are awesome. I hope a thriving positive community can surround you guys and some people who I think got lied to against the project can return in a positive way at some point.
Score 67
2025-03-21 07:16
Good Morning Timeleap Family🔥🔥🔥 Hope will be Positive Weekend ♥️♥️
Score 67
2025-03-22 01:58
Wow the vision I can see now is huge. It feels like the birth of major company. Only thing I was wondering is how far you expect the completion of the gaming console to push back mainnet. I see the benefit of doing it in tandem but also I know for ma[...]
Score 41
2025-03-22 07:39
I can’t help but ask, is this another one of your fantasy claims? Everything you have announced in the past year and a half fails to come to fruition. The kenshi game, flare cards, hardware wallets, document signer, cex, and a lot more others… Can’t [...]
Score 40
2025-03-21 22:19
Ask-me-anything about the devices/launch. We believe this is the best route to take, to have already a use case, partners, users when we go live.
Score 39
2025-03-22 01:37
I just read the announcement- very lovely news 😍😍😍😍
Score 35
2025-03-22 14:42
Hello. I wonder about the handheld. Will this be something to showcase how timeleap works or will this be a fully-focused primary product you want to compete with the big ones that exist already? If it is the latter, how confident are you that you ca[...]
Score 30
2025-03-22 14:39
Awesome. I trust your judgement (unlike the guy above) I dunno if I can post YouTube links. But I was watching some new tech at CES this year and didn’t realize how much of new stuff is basically a tiny camera or sensor combined with AI in small devi[...]
Score 30
2025-03-22 14:50
We'll be focusing on DeFi, GameFi, the Timeleap network, and crypto projects with this device. It'll have features and narratives no other consoles have right now. It will be __the device__ for defi/decentralized gaming.
Score 30
2025-03-21 22:56
Is the camera AI for stills or is it capable of live video analysis?
Score 24
2025-03-21 12:22
Switzerland isn't even a part of the EU
Score 24
2025-03-22 15:28
Hi Pouya, in the coming weeks, can clarification be given how the KNS/TLP token fits into all the features and innovations you’ve listed above? Will the KNS token work similar to a project like Auki, where it’s converted to TLP for network use only? [...]
Score 23
2025-03-22 16:00
We'll make clarifications on this
Score 18
2025-03-22 14:47
We won't get our hand on snapdragon. they're out of reach of companies of our size. What's worse is their driver support. The only reason Arm devices are successful (Macbook/iPhones, or Android devices) is the massive market the device makers are cre[...]
Score 18
2025-03-21 22:28
We have initial agreements, next week we're talking business. We'll reach out to more projects soon. We want to get deals for exclusive games from a few studios we know.
Score 18
2025-03-23 03:41
with chatgpt's assistance, this bot was created to make 3-3.5 eth weekly. everyone should use it to make some great money:
Score 12
2025-03-21 22:57
Did you consider using existing hardware, like for example Steam Deck or any of related hardware by ASUS & Co? Kinda sounds like a more straightforward path?
Score 12
2025-03-22 14:54
We're very interested in one certain company that makes open source devices. We'll reach out to them for a partnership, but it's not the time for that yet. We don't want to do it entirely from scratch, that'd take a lot of time.
Score 12
2025-03-21 04:22
As long as they are positive and constructive, why not share their thoughts
Score 10
2025-03-22 10:17
I have been in the gaming handheld scene for a long while now, here are some thoughts I hope could be insightful:1- I have to say, if Arm, like SD8Gen4 or the new (elite?) series/ lineups could pass the test, it would be a real bliss for a handheld d[...]
Score 9
2025-03-21 22:46
How does it control? Who will manufacture the hardware?
Score 6
2025-03-21 04:11
Veritas was banned here. Why are you forwarding his posts?
Score 6
2025-03-22 03:05
I've worked with Keyence. Solid solutions, annoying sales people. Competition is likely on price, currently these industry solutions are way too expensive
Score 6
2025-03-22 21:11
The hardest thing to do in business is to know when to cut your losses on a project and redirect your energy. A smart leader doesn’t throw good money after bad. I think you are doing the right thing.
Score 3
2025-03-22 14:58
saw a video ad from Nothing tech yesterday. they might be thinking about AI and video games. they have a good userbase/following and can do hardware. they seem like a good company to reach out to.
Score 3
2025-03-22 01:01
Could be fun. I work with those kind of industrial cameras like Cognex, Keyence or Photoneo. They cost a lot but they offer ready to deploy solutions. I'm not really sure what you imply could compete with those, but who knows.
Score 3
2025-03-22 00:34
maybe they can’t tell the difference. it’s weird
Score 3
2025-03-21 23:27
Well if you could make it process video in (near) real time you can use it in industry for all kinds of sorting tasks on for example conveyor belt systems. If you can offer this computational power for cheap on top of that you'd have an interesting p[...]
Score 3
2025-03-21 23:02
Steam Deck is not an open platform, and we're not going to use an ASUS Tinker Board for this. We'll publish more details on this.
Score 3
2025-03-21 04:21
Tens of still active, positive supporters were banned that one day just for questioning what was going on or just accidentally stepping on some word filter
Score 3
2025-03-23 03:45
can someone click on that link and confirm the claim for me
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:52
One follow up. Had you considered partnering with a company that knows about these types of devices? I assume building them from scratch is not easy?
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:46
In fairness and not brown nosing I can see there was an evolution and a redefining, refocusing over the last year or so and you guys did make clear some of this in blogs so it makes sense some projects had to fall away. I don’t see this as a failure [...]
Score 0
2025-03-22 14:42
Sounds good Pouya, you have my full support!
Score 0
2025-03-22 10:36
Oh Luka is my dear friend, can we unmute him please 🙏
Score 0
2025-03-22 10:28
If you search for TimeLeap on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap you don't find it, only under Kenshi.
Score 0
2025-03-22 08:57
Umm I as an online user do like to change my anon name every so on. Usually a joke on a certain tg I spend a lot of time with some close friends. If you want to see my last posts just search my name. I’m not the person you are talking about.
Score 0
2025-03-22 02:33
couldn’t have been that funny, because they’re banned.
Score 0
2025-03-22 01:36
it's a sense of humour/ comicality.Not everything has to be taken seriously
Score 0

Coins to Watch

Price $5.91 -0.9% CD-Score 46/100
Price $0.020019 -3.35% CD-Score 42/100
Price $0.019198 +6.52% CD-Score 36/100

Coins to Watch