Celsius Network




What is Celsius Network?

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of t Read more

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of trying to make as much profit as possible. Members will be able to borrow USD against their crypto holdings in their wallet which will be used as collateral. Our goal is to allow anyone who’s in need of cash to easily borrow from the Celsius platform without having to sell their crypto holdings. In the future, through the Celsius Network, cryptocurrencies deposited by members into their Celsius Wallet will be available on the network for immediate borrowing and shorting.

What is Celsius Network?

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into th Read more

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of trying to make as much profit as possible. Members will be able to borrow USD against their crypto holdings in their wallet which will be used as collateral. Our goal is to allow anyone who’s in need of cash to easily borrow from the Celsius platform without having to sell their crypto holdings. In the future, through the Celsius Network, cryptocurrencies deposited by members into their Celsius Wallet will be available on the network for immediate borrowing and shorting.

D 40
439,740 (#406)
0.04% 7D
5% 7D
53,718 (#52)
0.02% 7D
5% 7D
42,553 (#292)
0.03% 7D
5% 7D
110,124 (#454)
0.03% 7D
5% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟡 Non-Organic Growth Detected

Temporary non-organic growth observed ( 01/24 ).

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Jun 04 2021

$8 98.85%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Dec 07 2018

$0.00 251.71%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#449 233,345 3.00 87.67
#454 110,124
#52 53,718 18.00 0.31 33
@Celsius Network (CEL)
#292 42,553

Community Score

D 40

Celsius Network's community is presently marked with a 'D' grade, suggesting a modest interaction-to-follower ratio. It has a substantial follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a negative sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.07% 14.92% 8.36% 18.11%
Follower 0.02% 0.04% 0.05% 0.16%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2025-03-29 23:45
Each tax lot being disposed will go on the 8949. You’ll put the asset being disposed, the cost basis of the tax lot, date it was acquired, the date it was disposed (1/16/2024 for the initial distribution of ETH/BTC/Stock), and the proceeds it was dis[...]
Score 80
2025-03-28 14:17
Don't worry, Alex won't get prison time and won't have to pay restitution. He may even show up at the meet-up with his famous ""Unbank Yourself"" or ""Banks Are Not Your Friend"" t-shirt.
Score 64
2025-03-29 21:19
Any resources for how to list the Celsius tax loss on Form 8949? - I used Jusin's video to calculate all my cost basis and distributions in a spreadsheet. But not sure how I'm able to list my loss in Form 8949. Are there any resources for step by ste[...]
Score 55
2025-03-28 23:12
Ionic notice arrived in mail - There’s one nominee for the ionic board of directors? Are we supposed to vote for her or is there some other vote we ( as In the ones who got screwed over ) are putting forth instead? I heard some back n forth about oth[...]
Score 50
2025-03-28 19:49
I was in the same boat. I lost 267k. Since then I've... had a lot of happy things happen to me. It took awhile though. There was months I was in my bed, there was days I felt horrible, there was times I didn't want to be alive. It took a very long ti[...]
Score 48
2025-03-30 05:29
Yeah, the loss occurred in 2024 because that's when Celsius triggered a taxable event by making the distributions. It was essentially when they ""sold"" whatever was in your account for the btc, eth, and stocks you received in the distributions.
Score 32
2025-03-30 04:02
you are correct, i was on Odyssey Trust's page
Score 30
2025-03-30 03:15
*I went to the FAQ page, It is a picture of a PDF, and it cannot be downloaded or enlarged. Very hard to read.* If you are referring to this FAQ page(https://odysseytrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Ionic_Digital_FAQs-1.pdf), that is on Odyssey Tr[...]
Score 30
2025-03-28 15:12
Roland group or other lawyer group that fought Celsius - Anyone have any information on any lawyer groups that fought the clawback? Just curious if it’s still ongoing? Won or lost
Score 27
2025-03-29 01:25
On March 10, ""Ionic Digital announced that it \would\ adjourn its March 17, 2025, Annual Meeting amid ongoing litigation in the Delaware Court of Chancery. A trial is set for May 8 or 9, and the Annual Meeting will be rescheduled \~30 days after the[...]
Score 23
2025-03-29 22:36
Don't vote for the lady. I voted before I got notice of other candidates. There was no way to change my vote. The old board of directors, cannot manage a usable website. I went to the FAQ page, It is a picture of a PDF, and it cannot be downloaded[...]
Score 16
2025-03-29 19:19
What is the sender's email address? When in doubt, check it against the approved list: https://celsiusdistribution.stretto.com/support/solutions/articles/153000220105-phishing-approved-domainsBut yes, this is an obvious scam.
Score 16
2025-03-29 16:08
Go to the link online, I think you can still vote
Score 16
2025-03-29 14:41
My advice for you then is to stop coming to celebrate it's like this you're only feeding your own sadness just unsubscribe and be done with itGoing to a meet up with a bunch of other sad sacks is not going to be good for your mental health
Score 16
2025-03-28 22:38
Then you may be out of luck. If you don't have the transaction history to substantiate your cost basis, then the IRS says you should use a zero dollar cost basis.
Score 16
2025-03-29 17:20
Is this a scam email “Required Action: Open a Support Ticket to Claim Your Unclaimed” - Is this a scam email? Anyone get this?This email serves as an important reminder regarding your unclaimed distribution. To ensure you do not forfeit your entitlem[...]
Score 15
2025-03-30 05:02
Do we have to file our Celsius tax loss this year if we didn't sell any crypto in 2024? - Life has been super busy this year and would like to delay reporting my Celsius tax to next year. I have not sold any crypto in 2024 including the distributions[...]
Score 14
2025-03-30 11:38
How do you get the info from the Paypal distributions into Koinly? - I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I'm not seeing any way to generate a CSV from Paypal to import into Koinly. Any of the CSVs I have generated from Paypal only seem to hav[...]
Score 10
2025-03-30 14:58
I used a form to claim a “loss due to Ponzi scheme”. Can’t remember what form it was but it allowed me to reduce my taxable income considerably.
Score 0
2025-03-30 14:50
You have to manually add the deposits of distributions plus any subsequent sales or transfers.
Score 0
2025-03-30 05:28
You have one option to delay: https://www.irs.gov/filing/get-an-extension-to-file-your-tax-return(https://www.irs.gov/filing/get-an-extension-to-file-your-tax-return)See this recent thread addressing the question of reporting your bankruptcy losses i[...]
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:25
At this point you might want to start a new thread, describe your situation, and ask the question anew. This thread is 10 days old, and I doubt it's getting many views. Or respond to JustinCPA's original answer and see what he says.
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:10
Not sure. There’s gotta be a way of doing this without having to amend prior year returns. Maybe someone else has ideas
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:06
YouTube video of CPA Andrew Gordon says not to file Celsius taxes until distributions are over
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:01
IRS Agents are not going to get tied down on headache returns… just “next!”
Score 0
2025-03-30 02:00
You got me. What does your CPA say?
Score 0
2025-03-30 01:12
I’m not 100% sure that is the case either. Let’s use your example but you ended up selling the BTC in 2023. That would mean you would need to amend your 2023 return to increase the cost basis to account for the settlement payment?
Score 0
2025-03-30 00:26
So I had a hard time getting that answer as well to no avail, so this is what I did: Add up your final percentages for New BTC, New ETH, and ionic stock. This number will be different for each person I think. Mine was 64%. Now go back to your remaini[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 21:15
He's been out on bail since the day after he was arrested in July 2023. As a condition of his bail, he had to surrender his travel documents. He may also have an ankle or wrist monitor, though I was not able to confirm this.
Score 0
2025-03-29 06:26
celsiusdistribution@stretto.co almost 👀
Score 0
2025-03-29 03:38
Grant of stock isn't a 1099. Grant of stock is either ordinary income (like how tech workers get paid RSUs) or if you follow the tax guide, one way is it is capital gains/loss where you liquidate your crypto in exchange for stock.They don't need to i[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 03:29
Justin A, this is a superb breakdown of the issue and IRS agents have no rule to contest what you have produced. However, for the larger class (non- class 5 ???), they will receive Ionic shares which have not been valued yet. Therefore, our losses ar[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 02:44
Oh wow, from the Aaron Bennet youtube video. his CPA, says if you do NOT go the Safe Harbor Ponzi route, your 2023 returns do not even deal with Celsius losses until this 2024 tax return!
Score 0
2025-03-29 01:44
Is there a simpler guide? What would be the steps to follow in TurboTax if you simplify the case greatly like putting in 0.95 BTC and 0.95 ETH with cost basis $49k and $1k. Say both gained interest to be exactly 1 BTC and 1 ETH at time of shutdown?
Score 0
2025-03-28 23:28
Well never mind the usps mail arrived today and the deadline for this was March 17 grrrrrrrr
Score 0
2025-03-28 22:18
What if I can't get a cost basis due to some exchanges no longer having those records? Tried to get them but they said they dont have it.
Score 0
2025-03-28 21:43
Today I went and got lunch and put the whole thing on a CC and to enjoy it without thinking about finances was great. I certainly have the cash to pay for it but everything I do revolves around a kind of mental input of whether it will provide income[...]
Score 0
2025-03-28 20:03
Hey Justin, so I did the math from the video you posted on how to capture the loss, I ended up with a Loss of $1703.56 I don't see in FreeTaxUSA where I would fill this in, since this is under 3k could I write it as a capital loss? Thanks
Score 0
2025-03-28 16:30
Trump pardon and/or flees to Israel on bail
Score 0
2025-03-28 04:39
No, you can’t just decide you want the capital loss… in Canada, you incur a capital gain/loss when you make a gift. The receiver uses the FMV at that time as the cost basis for when it’s later disposed. In this case, the receiver invested in Celsius [...]
Score 0

Celsius Network




What is Celsius Network?

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of t Read more

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of trying to make as much profit as possible. Members will be able to borrow USD against their crypto holdings in their wallet which will be used as collateral. Our goal is to allow anyone who’s in need of cash to easily borrow from the Celsius platform without having to sell their crypto holdings. In the future, through the Celsius Network, cryptocurrencies deposited by members into their Celsius Wallet will be available on the network for immediate borrowing and shorting.

What is Celsius Network?

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into th Read more

For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of trying to make as much profit as possible. Members will be able to borrow USD against their crypto holdings in their wallet which will be used as collateral. Our goal is to allow anyone who’s in need of cash to easily borrow from the Celsius platform without having to sell their crypto holdings. In the future, through the Celsius Network, cryptocurrencies deposited by members into their Celsius Wallet will be available on the network for immediate borrowing and shorting.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.07% 14.92% 8.36% 18.11%
Follower 0.02% 0.04% 0.05% 0.16%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Jun 04 2021

$8 98.85%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Dec 07 2018

$0.00 251.71%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#449 233,345 3.00 87.67
#454 110,124
#52 53,718 18.00 0.31 33
@Celsius Network (CEL)
#292 42,553
D 40
439,740 (#406)
0.04% 7D
5% 7D
53,718 (#52)
0.02% 7D
5% 7D
42,553 (#292)
0.03% 7D
5% 7D
110,124 (#454)
0.03% 7D
5% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟡 Non-Organic Growth Detected

Temporary non-organic growth observed ( 01/24 ).

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2025-03-29 23:45
Each tax lot being disposed will go on the 8949. You’ll put the asset being disposed, the cost basis of the tax lot, date it was acquired, the date it was disposed (1/16/2024 for the initial distribution of ETH/BTC/Stock), and the proceeds it was dis[...]
Score 80
2025-03-28 14:17
Don't worry, Alex won't get prison time and won't have to pay restitution. He may even show up at the meet-up with his famous ""Unbank Yourself"" or ""Banks Are Not Your Friend"" t-shirt.
Score 64
2025-03-29 21:19
Any resources for how to list the Celsius tax loss on Form 8949? - I used Jusin's video to calculate all my cost basis and distributions in a spreadsheet. But not sure how I'm able to list my loss in Form 8949. Are there any resources for step by ste[...]
Score 55
2025-03-28 23:12
Ionic notice arrived in mail - There’s one nominee for the ionic board of directors? Are we supposed to vote for her or is there some other vote we ( as In the ones who got screwed over ) are putting forth instead? I heard some back n forth about oth[...]
Score 50
2025-03-28 19:49
I was in the same boat. I lost 267k. Since then I've... had a lot of happy things happen to me. It took awhile though. There was months I was in my bed, there was days I felt horrible, there was times I didn't want to be alive. It took a very long ti[...]
Score 48
2025-03-30 05:29
Yeah, the loss occurred in 2024 because that's when Celsius triggered a taxable event by making the distributions. It was essentially when they ""sold"" whatever was in your account for the btc, eth, and stocks you received in the distributions.
Score 32
2025-03-30 04:02
you are correct, i was on Odyssey Trust's page
Score 30
2025-03-30 03:15
*I went to the FAQ page, It is a picture of a PDF, and it cannot be downloaded or enlarged. Very hard to read.* If you are referring to this FAQ page(https://odysseytrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Ionic_Digital_FAQs-1.pdf), that is on Odyssey Tr[...]
Score 30
2025-03-28 15:12
Roland group or other lawyer group that fought Celsius - Anyone have any information on any lawyer groups that fought the clawback? Just curious if it’s still ongoing? Won or lost
Score 27
2025-03-29 01:25
On March 10, ""Ionic Digital announced that it \would\ adjourn its March 17, 2025, Annual Meeting amid ongoing litigation in the Delaware Court of Chancery. A trial is set for May 8 or 9, and the Annual Meeting will be rescheduled \~30 days after the[...]
Score 23
2025-03-29 22:36
Don't vote for the lady. I voted before I got notice of other candidates. There was no way to change my vote. The old board of directors, cannot manage a usable website. I went to the FAQ page, It is a picture of a PDF, and it cannot be downloaded[...]
Score 16
2025-03-29 19:19
What is the sender's email address? When in doubt, check it against the approved list: https://celsiusdistribution.stretto.com/support/solutions/articles/153000220105-phishing-approved-domainsBut yes, this is an obvious scam.
Score 16
2025-03-29 16:08
Go to the link online, I think you can still vote
Score 16
2025-03-29 14:41
My advice for you then is to stop coming to celebrate it's like this you're only feeding your own sadness just unsubscribe and be done with itGoing to a meet up with a bunch of other sad sacks is not going to be good for your mental health
Score 16
2025-03-28 22:38
Then you may be out of luck. If you don't have the transaction history to substantiate your cost basis, then the IRS says you should use a zero dollar cost basis.
Score 16
2025-03-29 17:20
Is this a scam email “Required Action: Open a Support Ticket to Claim Your Unclaimed” - Is this a scam email? Anyone get this?This email serves as an important reminder regarding your unclaimed distribution. To ensure you do not forfeit your entitlem[...]
Score 15
2025-03-30 05:02
Do we have to file our Celsius tax loss this year if we didn't sell any crypto in 2024? - Life has been super busy this year and would like to delay reporting my Celsius tax to next year. I have not sold any crypto in 2024 including the distributions[...]
Score 14
2025-03-30 11:38
How do you get the info from the Paypal distributions into Koinly? - I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I'm not seeing any way to generate a CSV from Paypal to import into Koinly. Any of the CSVs I have generated from Paypal only seem to hav[...]
Score 10
2025-03-30 14:58
I used a form to claim a “loss due to Ponzi scheme”. Can’t remember what form it was but it allowed me to reduce my taxable income considerably.
Score 0
2025-03-30 14:50
You have to manually add the deposits of distributions plus any subsequent sales or transfers.
Score 0
2025-03-30 05:28
You have one option to delay: https://www.irs.gov/filing/get-an-extension-to-file-your-tax-return(https://www.irs.gov/filing/get-an-extension-to-file-your-tax-return)See this recent thread addressing the question of reporting your bankruptcy losses i[...]
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:25
At this point you might want to start a new thread, describe your situation, and ask the question anew. This thread is 10 days old, and I doubt it's getting many views. Or respond to JustinCPA's original answer and see what he says.
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:10
Not sure. There’s gotta be a way of doing this without having to amend prior year returns. Maybe someone else has ideas
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:06
YouTube video of CPA Andrew Gordon says not to file Celsius taxes until distributions are over
Score 0
2025-03-30 03:01
IRS Agents are not going to get tied down on headache returns… just “next!”
Score 0
2025-03-30 02:00
You got me. What does your CPA say?
Score 0
2025-03-30 01:12
I’m not 100% sure that is the case either. Let’s use your example but you ended up selling the BTC in 2023. That would mean you would need to amend your 2023 return to increase the cost basis to account for the settlement payment?
Score 0
2025-03-30 00:26
So I had a hard time getting that answer as well to no avail, so this is what I did: Add up your final percentages for New BTC, New ETH, and ionic stock. This number will be different for each person I think. Mine was 64%. Now go back to your remaini[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 21:15
He's been out on bail since the day after he was arrested in July 2023. As a condition of his bail, he had to surrender his travel documents. He may also have an ankle or wrist monitor, though I was not able to confirm this.
Score 0
2025-03-29 06:26
celsiusdistribution@stretto.co almost 👀
Score 0
2025-03-29 03:38
Grant of stock isn't a 1099. Grant of stock is either ordinary income (like how tech workers get paid RSUs) or if you follow the tax guide, one way is it is capital gains/loss where you liquidate your crypto in exchange for stock.They don't need to i[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 03:29
Justin A, this is a superb breakdown of the issue and IRS agents have no rule to contest what you have produced. However, for the larger class (non- class 5 ???), they will receive Ionic shares which have not been valued yet. Therefore, our losses ar[...]
Score 0
2025-03-29 02:44
Oh wow, from the Aaron Bennet youtube video. his CPA, says if you do NOT go the Safe Harbor Ponzi route, your 2023 returns do not even deal with Celsius losses until this 2024 tax return!
Score 0
2025-03-29 01:44
Is there a simpler guide? What would be the steps to follow in TurboTax if you simplify the case greatly like putting in 0.95 BTC and 0.95 ETH with cost basis $49k and $1k. Say both gained interest to be exactly 1 BTC and 1 ETH at time of shutdown?
Score 0
2025-03-28 23:28
Well never mind the usps mail arrived today and the deadline for this was March 17 grrrrrrrr
Score 0
2025-03-28 22:18
What if I can't get a cost basis due to some exchanges no longer having those records? Tried to get them but they said they dont have it.
Score 0
2025-03-28 21:43
Today I went and got lunch and put the whole thing on a CC and to enjoy it without thinking about finances was great. I certainly have the cash to pay for it but everything I do revolves around a kind of mental input of whether it will provide income[...]
Score 0
2025-03-28 20:03
Hey Justin, so I did the math from the video you posted on how to capture the loss, I ended up with a Loss of $1703.56 I don't see in FreeTaxUSA where I would fill this in, since this is under 3k could I write it as a capital loss? Thanks
Score 0
2025-03-28 16:30
Trump pardon and/or flees to Israel on bail
Score 0
2025-03-28 04:39
No, you can’t just decide you want the capital loss… in Canada, you incur a capital gain/loss when you make a gift. The receiver uses the FMV at that time as the cost basis for when it’s later disposed. In this case, the receiver invested in Celsius [...]
Score 0

Coins to Watch

Price $0.031799 -3.63% CD-Score 37/100
Price $0.022060 +7.34% CD-Score 39/100
Price $0.000538 +1.05% CD-Score 39/100

Coins to Watch