World Mobile Token




What is World Mobile Token?

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WM Read more

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WMT) is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of allowing the participants to provide a service on the network and be rewarded accordingly for it. The primary role of WMT is to incentivise both token holders that want to support the operation of the network by way of delegating their WMT stake to a node operator (stakers) as well as node operators that operate their own node. WMT is the utility token at the heart of World Mobile Chain, a solution developed in partnership between Input Output Global and World Mobile to democratize access to digital, financial and social services in Africa, the first of its kind to go the extra mile and connect the unconnected. The sharing economy enabled by WMT provides the foundation for affordable network nodes, based on the Cardano blockchain infrastructure. These network nodes act as local relays for internet connectivity. Subscribers to these networks will be able to access Input Output’s digital identity solution, Atala PRISM, which will allow them to use services such as digital banking, healthcare and education.

What is World Mobile Token?

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, Read more

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WMT) is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of allowing the participants to provide a service on the network and be rewarded accordingly for it. The primary role of WMT is to incentivise both token holders that want to support the operation of the network by way of delegating their WMT stake to a node operator (stakers) as well as node operators that operate their own node. WMT is the utility token at the heart of World Mobile Chain, a solution developed in partnership between Input Output Global and World Mobile to democratize access to digital, financial and social services in Africa, the first of its kind to go the extra mile and connect the unconnected. The sharing economy enabled by WMT provides the foundation for affordable network nodes, based on the Cardano blockchain infrastructure. These network nodes act as local relays for internet connectivity. Subscribers to these networks will be able to access Input Output’s digital identity solution, Atala PRISM, which will allow them to use services such as digital banking, healthcare and education.

D 40
116,334 (#1056)
0.08% 7D
14% 7D
12,629 (#964)
0.79% 7D
14% 7D
6,593 (#777)
0.37% 7D
14% 7D
7,759 (#224)
0% 7D
14% 7D
14,723 (#771)
0.06% 7D
14% 7D
22,325 (#1082)
0.09% 7D
14% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

🎁 Recent Giveaway Impact

Current boost in engagement might be due to a recent giveaway. This could be temporary and not indicate sustainable growth.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Feb 17 2022

$0.00 80.6897%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Jun 20 2023

$0.00 92.9839%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#1206 52,305 5.33 3.88
@World Mobile Token
#1082 22,325
@World Mobile Token (WMT)
#771 14,723
#964 9,302 53.67 34
#224 7,759
@World Mobile
#777 6,593
#1844 3,327 53.67 34

Community Score

D 40

World Mobile Token's community is presently marked with a 'D' grade, suggesting a modest interaction-to-follower ratio. It has a substantial follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Note: A previous giveaway could have led to a short-term boost in activity, not necessarily indicative of the community's long-term engagement.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.33% 11.88% 3% 1.68%
Follower 0.14% 0.08% 0.07% 0.13%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-08-30 13:45
Sometimes i wonder if you purposely antagonize or you just lack a filter😏
Score 80
2024-08-30 07:45
I don't think the move is being held back, testing and audits are just being done very thoroughly to make sure it is bulletproof.
Score 60
2024-08-30 08:08
Feeling with you. Been in the same shoes. Shifting between excitement, disappointment, hope and fear. It turned into quite the marathon for ENOs...and i commend all my brothers and sisters for sticking around and staying true and faithfull. Cant wait[...]
Score 53
2024-08-30 15:26
🚨 Attention World Mobile Community! The next Community Update will take place on Thursday, 5 September at 16:00 UTC. 👋 See you Thursday, Mobilers! 🧵 Set your reminder NOW👇
Score 51
2024-08-30 08:23
Yeah exactly! Many projects have come and gone in the time we've all been running this race... and because there is only so much information the team can share the community can only DYOR to a certain level. Building out complex things that have [...]
Score 42
2024-08-28 15:08
I understand this to be the case, yes
Score 40
2024-08-30 14:08
📈 We're excited to announce that the network usage from Link AirNodes sold in Batch Two, Drop One is now reflected on our AirNode Explorer Page!👇 Learn more below➡️
Score 34
2024-08-30 13:26
🚨 Attention World Mobile Community!The next Community Update will take place on Thursday, 5 September at 16:00 UTC.👋 See you Thursday, Mobilers!🎙 Set your reminder NOW👇➡️
Score 32
2024-08-30 09:19
Yes. Did you hear the stories from an employee who said when they sometimes did not have parts available they were asked to fit scrap parts that has failed quality testing and should have been scrapped? No wonder bits fell off the airplanes
Score 30
2024-08-28 14:58
There was never an announcement planned regarding the audit. The announcement will be regarding the Portal opening and the same information still stands. The audits have now been completed and the team is working to complete any outstanding builds.
Score 28
2024-08-30 09:22
Yeah, there were lots of concerning reports. And yes, shortterm they increased revenue, but now they are kinda fuxxed. Thats the problem with management that only stays in a relevant position for a few years max and get a huge chunk of their salary i[...]
Score 27
2024-08-30 08:28
This should work:
Score 27
2024-08-30 07:31
Hi Danny. Yes at the moment if you move to a different wallet you will lose the current month's staking rewards. When the WMTX migration happens staking will be paused - so if you can wait that might be a good time to make the move
Score 27
2024-08-29 08:26
Could be 🤷️️️️️️ it is always worth remembering that the Early Rewards and Incentive wallets are now empty. Our staking needs to come from the WM Operations fund 4.98m unlock each month
Score 27
2024-08-28 18:07
If your browser cache was cleared then it's possible, also anyone that dm's you offering help is a scammer report and block them
Score 27
2024-08-28 16:01
We've definitely posted them in recent weeks, but to recap, they are not guaranteed to be weekly. We have seen weekly and even twice weekly, but there may be occasions the frequency is lower.
Score 27
2024-08-30 09:12
Amazing how you can run down a company that once made amazing tech
Score 22
2024-08-30 14:29
Kinda messed up the chart 3x hah
Score 17
2024-08-30 13:44
I hope these are real and confirmed things and not to blame third parties.
Score 17
2024-08-30 09:07
Better do you your own research, this is all about Cost-plus contracts vs Fixed-Costs contracts.Well, we should bash Boeing.
Score 17
2024-08-28 18:00
I went to go into my WMT vault today (same computer and web browser) and there was nowhere to login. Is this a temporary glitch or do I have to restore my wallet?
Score 17
2024-08-28 15:02
💰🔁 Buyback Brief | 26/06/2023Introducing the Buyback Brief: A weekly update that highlights the most recent buyback and total buyback balance.Interested in learning more about our Buyback Program?Discover the blog article linked below to gain valuabl[...]
Score 15
2024-08-30 10:20
Hang in there earthnode operators.......
Score 13
2024-08-30 09:14
Then the feeling of accomplished will be even greater 😃❤️
Score 13
2024-08-30 09:13
It feels like an ultra-triathlon
Score 13
2024-08-30 07:47
We wouldnt want our precious wmtx end up in North Korea
Score 13
2024-08-29 15:27
Just got the same invite, thanks for sharing!
Score 13
2024-08-29 09:53
Please can you DM some information about the scam group to @TheWeb3Cat 🙏️️️️️️
Score 13
2024-08-29 08:08
/report @Em_Bee_Cee @TheWeb3Cat @RickMiddleton
Score 13
2024-08-28 14:22
Scroll up, multiple devs were posting
Score 13
2024-08-30 08:10
If this was a marathon, we're at the mile 25 marker guys. Not long to go now to the finish line!
Score 9
2024-08-29 04:57
Morning Is it possible to get an update on the EN sign up form. Or who I can contact in the team to join the public test net pages. This seems to be unresolved for a couple of weeks.
Score 9
2024-08-30 08:27
Can anyone send me a link to discord WM account please
Score 9
2024-08-30 07:51
WM does a lot of improvements year by year which is the concrete of the fundamentals. However as part of the earthonde operators since the beginning the real movement will come when the mainnet is finally arrives. Don't forget the real essence of the[...]
Score 9
2024-08-30 07:30
Hello I have a question about my WMT wallet. I want to change my wallet to a ledger. But if I do I will loose my staking. Is there a way to change without losing my staking?
Score 9
2024-08-28 15:17
Actually on X they are not posted since May.
Score 9
2024-08-30 16:23
It's going to be fun looking back at the days of double digit TB usage in the future 🫡🙃📡🔥
Score 8
2024-08-29 08:25
And if you hadnt thought of that strategy just yet... your most welcome...and im open to job offers😂😂😂
Score 6
2024-08-30 16:16
🔥 ** All Time High Alert! ** 🔥New daily data consumption record!New record is 32.2085Tb[Provided by NodeX](
Score 6
2024-08-29 15:39
In telegram privacy settings , you can turn off the option for random people to add you to groups ..Settings > Privacy & Security> Invites
Score 5

World Mobile Token




What is World Mobile Token?

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WM Read more

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WMT) is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of allowing the participants to provide a service on the network and be rewarded accordingly for it. The primary role of WMT is to incentivise both token holders that want to support the operation of the network by way of delegating their WMT stake to a node operator (stakers) as well as node operators that operate their own node. WMT is the utility token at the heart of World Mobile Chain, a solution developed in partnership between Input Output Global and World Mobile to democratize access to digital, financial and social services in Africa, the first of its kind to go the extra mile and connect the unconnected. The sharing economy enabled by WMT provides the foundation for affordable network nodes, based on the Cardano blockchain infrastructure. These network nodes act as local relays for internet connectivity. Subscribers to these networks will be able to access Input Output’s digital identity solution, Atala PRISM, which will allow them to use services such as digital banking, healthcare and education.

What is World Mobile Token?

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, Read more

World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem. Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, and so they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards. The World Mobile Token (WMT) is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of allowing the participants to provide a service on the network and be rewarded accordingly for it. The primary role of WMT is to incentivise both token holders that want to support the operation of the network by way of delegating their WMT stake to a node operator (stakers) as well as node operators that operate their own node. WMT is the utility token at the heart of World Mobile Chain, a solution developed in partnership between Input Output Global and World Mobile to democratize access to digital, financial and social services in Africa, the first of its kind to go the extra mile and connect the unconnected. The sharing economy enabled by WMT provides the foundation for affordable network nodes, based on the Cardano blockchain infrastructure. These network nodes act as local relays for internet connectivity. Subscribers to these networks will be able to access Input Output’s digital identity solution, Atala PRISM, which will allow them to use services such as digital banking, healthcare and education.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.33% 11.88% 3% 1.68%
Follower 0.14% 0.08% 0.07% 0.13%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Feb 17 2022

$0.00 80.6897%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Jun 20 2023

$0.00 92.9839%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#1206 52,305 5.33 3.88
@World Mobile Token
#1082 22,325
@World Mobile Token (WMT)
#771 14,723
#964 9,302 53.67 34
#224 7,759
@World Mobile
#777 6,593
#1844 3,327 53.67 34
D 40
116,334 (#1056)
0.08% 7D
14% 7D
12,629 (#964)
0.79% 7D
14% 7D
6,593 (#777)
0.37% 7D
14% 7D
7,759 (#224)
0% 7D
14% 7D
14,723 (#771)
0.06% 7D
14% 7D
22,325 (#1082)
0.09% 7D
14% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

🎁 Recent Giveaway Impact

Current boost in engagement might be due to a recent giveaway. This could be temporary and not indicate sustainable growth.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-08-30 13:45
Sometimes i wonder if you purposely antagonize or you just lack a filter😏
Score 80
2024-08-30 07:45
I don't think the move is being held back, testing and audits are just being done very thoroughly to make sure it is bulletproof.
Score 60
2024-08-30 08:08
Feeling with you. Been in the same shoes. Shifting between excitement, disappointment, hope and fear. It turned into quite the marathon for ENOs...and i commend all my brothers and sisters for sticking around and staying true and faithfull. Cant wait[...]
Score 53
2024-08-30 15:26
🚨 Attention World Mobile Community! The next Community Update will take place on Thursday, 5 September at 16:00 UTC. 👋 See you Thursday, Mobilers! 🧵 Set your reminder NOW👇
Score 51
2024-08-30 08:23
Yeah exactly! Many projects have come and gone in the time we've all been running this race... and because there is only so much information the team can share the community can only DYOR to a certain level. Building out complex things that have [...]
Score 42
2024-08-28 15:08
I understand this to be the case, yes
Score 40
2024-08-30 14:08
📈 We're excited to announce that the network usage from Link AirNodes sold in Batch Two, Drop One is now reflected on our AirNode Explorer Page!👇 Learn more below➡️
Score 34
2024-08-30 13:26
🚨 Attention World Mobile Community!The next Community Update will take place on Thursday, 5 September at 16:00 UTC.👋 See you Thursday, Mobilers!🎙 Set your reminder NOW👇➡️
Score 32
2024-08-30 09:19
Yes. Did you hear the stories from an employee who said when they sometimes did not have parts available they were asked to fit scrap parts that has failed quality testing and should have been scrapped? No wonder bits fell off the airplanes
Score 30
2024-08-28 14:58
There was never an announcement planned regarding the audit. The announcement will be regarding the Portal opening and the same information still stands. The audits have now been completed and the team is working to complete any outstanding builds.
Score 28
2024-08-30 09:22
Yeah, there were lots of concerning reports. And yes, shortterm they increased revenue, but now they are kinda fuxxed. Thats the problem with management that only stays in a relevant position for a few years max and get a huge chunk of their salary i[...]
Score 27
2024-08-30 08:28
This should work:
Score 27
2024-08-30 07:31
Hi Danny. Yes at the moment if you move to a different wallet you will lose the current month's staking rewards. When the WMTX migration happens staking will be paused - so if you can wait that might be a good time to make the move
Score 27
2024-08-29 08:26
Could be 🤷️️️️️️ it is always worth remembering that the Early Rewards and Incentive wallets are now empty. Our staking needs to come from the WM Operations fund 4.98m unlock each month
Score 27
2024-08-28 18:07
If your browser cache was cleared then it's possible, also anyone that dm's you offering help is a scammer report and block them
Score 27
2024-08-28 16:01
We've definitely posted them in recent weeks, but to recap, they are not guaranteed to be weekly. We have seen weekly and even twice weekly, but there may be occasions the frequency is lower.
Score 27
2024-08-30 09:12
Amazing how you can run down a company that once made amazing tech
Score 22
2024-08-30 14:29
Kinda messed up the chart 3x hah
Score 17
2024-08-30 13:44
I hope these are real and confirmed things and not to blame third parties.
Score 17
2024-08-30 09:07
Better do you your own research, this is all about Cost-plus contracts vs Fixed-Costs contracts.Well, we should bash Boeing.
Score 17
2024-08-28 18:00
I went to go into my WMT vault today (same computer and web browser) and there was nowhere to login. Is this a temporary glitch or do I have to restore my wallet?
Score 17
2024-08-28 15:02
💰🔁 Buyback Brief | 26/06/2023Introducing the Buyback Brief: A weekly update that highlights the most recent buyback and total buyback balance.Interested in learning more about our Buyback Program?Discover the blog article linked below to gain valuabl[...]
Score 15
2024-08-30 10:20
Hang in there earthnode operators.......
Score 13
2024-08-30 09:14
Then the feeling of accomplished will be even greater 😃❤️
Score 13
2024-08-30 09:13
It feels like an ultra-triathlon
Score 13
2024-08-30 07:47
We wouldnt want our precious wmtx end up in North Korea
Score 13
2024-08-29 15:27
Just got the same invite, thanks for sharing!
Score 13
2024-08-29 09:53
Please can you DM some information about the scam group to @TheWeb3Cat 🙏️️️️️️
Score 13
2024-08-29 08:08
/report @Em_Bee_Cee @TheWeb3Cat @RickMiddleton
Score 13
2024-08-28 14:22
Scroll up, multiple devs were posting
Score 13
2024-08-30 08:10
If this was a marathon, we're at the mile 25 marker guys. Not long to go now to the finish line!
Score 9
2024-08-29 04:57
Morning Is it possible to get an update on the EN sign up form. Or who I can contact in the team to join the public test net pages. This seems to be unresolved for a couple of weeks.
Score 9
2024-08-30 08:27
Can anyone send me a link to discord WM account please
Score 9
2024-08-30 07:51
WM does a lot of improvements year by year which is the concrete of the fundamentals. However as part of the earthonde operators since the beginning the real movement will come when the mainnet is finally arrives. Don't forget the real essence of the[...]
Score 9
2024-08-30 07:30
Hello I have a question about my WMT wallet. I want to change my wallet to a ledger. But if I do I will loose my staking. Is there a way to change without losing my staking?
Score 9
2024-08-28 15:17
Actually on X they are not posted since May.
Score 9
2024-08-30 16:23
It's going to be fun looking back at the days of double digit TB usage in the future 🫡🙃📡🔥
Score 8
2024-08-29 08:25
And if you hadnt thought of that strategy just yet... your most welcome...and im open to job offers😂😂😂
Score 6
2024-08-30 16:16
🔥 ** All Time High Alert! ** 🔥New daily data consumption record!New record is 32.2085Tb[Provided by NodeX](
Score 6
2024-08-29 15:39
In telegram privacy settings , you can turn off the option for random people to add you to groups ..Settings > Privacy & Security> Invites
Score 5

Coins to Watch

Price $1.98 +5.97% CD-Score 50/100
Price $0.029659 -0.39% CD-Score 47/100
Price $0.026107 -0.26% CD-Score 74/100

Coins to Watch