Wombat Exchange




What is Wombat Exchange?

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield. Read more

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield.

What is Wombat Exchange?

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the conce Read more

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield.

E 20
122,135 (#1039)
0.02% 7D
8% 7D
8,943 (#1008)
1.43% 7D
8% 7D
10,131 (#658)
0.3% 7D
8% 7D
3,576 (#1675)
0.11% 7D
8% 7D
7,315 (#1874)
0.01% 7D
8% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Sep 05 2022

$1 99.36%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 20 2024

$0.00 7%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#806 92,170 5.33 2.81
@Wombat Exchange (WOM)
#658 10,131
#1008 8,943 21.25 25
@Wombat Exchange
#1874 7,315
@Wombat Exchange (WOM)
#1675 3,576

Community Score

E 20

Wombat Exchange's community is presently carrying an 'E' grade, reflecting a low engagement per follower. It has a substantial follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.65% 1.57% 9.04% 32.41%
Follower 0.6% 0.02% 0.63% 0.23%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 14:28
Wombat 主池奖励更新 🐻• @BNBCHAIN ($BTCB - $BNB - $USDT):~12% APR• @arbitrum ($ WBTC - $ETH - $USDT):约 17% APR• @ethereum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT):约 342% APR• @avax($BTC.b - $AVAX - $USDT):约 41% APR• @Scroll_ZKP($WBTC - $ETH - $USDC):约 63% APR在我们的单边池中进行质押,通过[...]
Score 100
2024-09-18 12:17
喜欢#stablecoin的收益耕作吗? @HorizonProtocol $zUSD - $USDC池提供丰厚的 APR! 🍬将您的$USDC质押在@BNBCHAIN单边池中,即可在$HZN 、 $WOM中赚取高达 30% 的 APR,再加上一些@wompets_WPP 以获得额外的$USDT奖励!从这里开始⬇️https://app.wombat.exchange/pool?chain=bsc
Score 100
2024-09-17 13:04
🚨新鲜出炉! @BNBCHAIN上的$zUSD池人头攒动,因为@horizonprotocol提供了丰厚的奖励!$zUSD - $USDC池中的 LP 可以赚取 60,000 $HZN并且在单边池中质押$zUSD和$USDC可获得令人印象深刻的 APR。 🎯另外, @wompets_ WPP 可获得奖励$USDT 。平衡交换以提高覆盖率,使您的 WPP 翻倍! 🏆
Score 100
2024-09-17 13:03
Wombat 的稳定币盛会来了! 🍻将您的$USDT或$USDC放入 Wombat 的单边跨链池中并解锁一些丰厚的奖励:👉 $WOM最高 115% APR, @base链费用分摊,加上其他链的丰厚 2 位数APR👉收集@wompets_ WPP 用于 LP和交换以提高覆盖率在 Wombat,每个人都是赢家! 🐾
Score 100
2024-09-19 04:14
You will never get the answer to this question. This became forbidden 🚫 issue in this chat.
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:32
Yeah i understand the mechanism but i had never seen a cov. ratio so low. I was worried
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:28
You can deposit some USDC or swap some USDC for zUSD to balance the ratio.
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:27
Please refer to this article for a better understanding, you’ll find all the important details with examples:https://medium.com/wombat-exchange/coverage-ratio-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-healthy-for-your-deposits-36663d18bb15
Score 80
2024-09-17 13:07
Footage available tomorrow sers!
Score 80
2024-09-17 13:05
非常感谢@fraxfinance 、 @jaeonchain 、 @puffer_finance和@CurveFinance的精彩演讲。 🤝我们与顶尖人才@2lambro 、 @mrblocktw 、 @definidude和@Defi0xJeff就 LST 和 DeFi 进行了精彩的交流。非常精彩!
Score 80
2024-09-19 07:48
The announcement is on the way, stay tuned.
Score 60
2024-09-18 12:44
RT @Haj1379: 🔺 @WombatExchange on @avax is making waves with a TVL of over $3M! 🔺The ggAVAX-AVAX Pool is leading the charge with 1,341,092…
Score 55
2024-09-17 09:22
RT @FortiFi_: The Fortcast Guest List has been racking up some heavy hitters 👀🤝 Tap into an upcoming Fortcast or any of the recording to l…
Score 44
2024-09-18 13:30
Love yield farming from #stablecoin? The @HorizonProtocol $zUSD - $USDC pool is giving yummy APRs! 🍬 Stake your $USDC in the single-sided pool on @BNBCHAIN and earn up to 30% APR in $HZN, $WOM, plus some @wompets_ WPP for extra $USDT rewards! Start[...]
Score 43
2024-09-17 15:00
Huge thanks to @fraxfinance, @jaeonchain, @puffer_finance, and @CurveFinance for an amazing session. 🤝 We had such a great chat on LST and DeFi with the top minds @2lambro, @mrblocktw, @definidude, and @Defi0xJeff. So much alpha! https://t.co/RdsXvd[...]
Score 42
2024-09-17 14:36
🚨 Hot off the press! The $zUSD Pool on @BNBCHAIN is buzzing as @horizonprotocol offers juicy incentives! LPs in $zUSD - $USDC pools can earn 60,000 $HZN with impressive APRs for staking $zUSD and $USDC in single-sided pools. 🎯 Plus, @wompets_ WPP f[...]
Score 41
2024-09-19 12:19
Wombat Main Pool Rewards Update 🐻 • @BNBCHAIN ($BTCB - $BNB - $USDT): ~12% APR • @arbitrum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT): ~17% APR • @ethereum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT): ~342% APR • @avax ($BTC.b - $AVAX - $USDT): ~41% APR • @Scroll_ZKP ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDC)[...]
Score 39
2024-09-18 11:24
Why cov. Ratio on usdc (zusd pool) is only 9.5%? And what can be done to balance it?
Score 36
2024-09-17 09:25
Here comes a stablecoin fiesta at Wombat! 🍻 Stake your $USDT or $USDC into Wombat’s single-sided Cross-chain pools and unlock some serious rewards: 👉 Up to 115% APR in $WOM and fee-sharing on @base, plus juicy 2-digit APRs on other chains 👉 Collect[...]
Score 35
2024-09-19 16:22
RT @Haj1379: 🐻@WombatExchange on @AVAX: Pool Analysis Main Pool (BTC/AVAX/USDT): • High decentralization in BTC/AVAX (80%+ small deposito…
Score 34
2024-09-19 05:43
RT @HorizonProtocol: That $USDC APR is 🔥 👀👀👀
Score 33
2024-09-18 04:39
Wgp Epoch 2 will end soon is that all? Or will launch epoch 3?
Score 30
2024-09-19 05:43
RT @wompets_: Epoch 2 has ended! The WPG ➡️ $USDT Claim is now LIVE! 👉 Claim your $USDT here: https://t.co/fCtL0IIP5K Please only click t…
Score 23
2024-09-18 05:17
Hi, As I see the wombat exchange dev still work, is there any chances that $wom will be listed in Binance? Recently small cap listed in Binance launchpool.
Score 19
2024-09-18 13:18
RT @wompets_: Epoch 2 is wrapping up in just a few hours! ⏳ Don’t forget to spend your WPP to boost your WPG. The $USDT conversion kicks i…
Score 15
2024-09-18 13:18
RT @CapybaraDEX: Exciting times! @Swapscanner’s wrapped $GCKLAY is officially in the CapybaraDEX LST pool! 🚀 Stake $wGCKLAY in our single-…
Score 14
2024-09-19 12:56
this epoch looks inactive bcs of WPG ratio
Score 12
2024-09-19 04:11
Epoche 1/ 56 dollar Epoche 2 /1.1dollar 😱
Score 7
2024-09-20 03:12
Либо холдер суицидник либо разраб
Score 0
2024-09-20 03:11
Ну вот кто виновник дампа. Явно не фермер 0xD7548DDE92e087530Df13c548640d08C38e7d477
Score 0
2024-09-19 19:38
Hello Team, great work on this project!Can i please have one of the Admins send me a message? I am interested in this platform and also i have a promotional offer that can take this project to the next level and bring in thousands of big investors. [...]
Score 0
2024-09-19 07:48
Yeah, you won't get an answer to the DEX listing questions in this chat because we've already answered that question many times.Try to seach in chat history.
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:39
Кстати, Алекс, на мой взгляд, действительно мало что решает в финансовом плане. WOM запампят до определенного уровня только тогда, когда решит сизый очкарик. А до тех пор все будут стоять раком.
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:33
WOM может быть и будет рабочим проектом, но бабки свои мы точно не вернем по одной простой причине. Их вывели и в экосистеме проекта их физически не осталось. По сути, единственная ликвидность это те средства которые зафармили на 3-5 лет. И все. Живо[...]
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:30
В некоторых проектах таких как Bird бабло откровенно спиздили, затем «поменяли» команду, но воз и ныне там.
Score 0
2024-09-18 15:29
Bitcoin breaks through 60,000 in September, and the entire currency market will rise in September✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Score 0
2024-09-18 04:40
Best way to get points is trading and balancing pools
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:43
v cảm ơn nhá, chứ nặng tàu lắm r
Score 0
2024-09-17 18:07
Hello, I have a marketing proposal I’d like to discuss. Could you please direct me to the right person to connect with?
Score 0
2024-09-17 17:36
Ah sorry, mate. I really didn’t see it. You should claim your rewards in 30 days.
Score 0

Wombat Exchange




What is Wombat Exchange?

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield. Read more

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield.

What is Wombat Exchange?

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the conce Read more

Wombat Exchange is a multi-chain stableswap built natively on the BNB Chain. Wombat adopts the concepts of asset-liability management and coverage ratio, enabling various stablecoins to be swapped at minimal slippage and the ability to single-stake stablecoins for sustainable yield.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.65% 1.57% 9.04% 32.41%
Follower 0.6% 0.02% 0.63% 0.23%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Sep 05 2022

$1 99.36%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 20 2024

$0.00 7%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#806 92,170 5.33 2.81
@Wombat Exchange (WOM)
#658 10,131
#1008 8,943 21.25 25
@Wombat Exchange
#1874 7,315
@Wombat Exchange (WOM)
#1675 3,576
E 20
122,135 (#1039)
0.02% 7D
8% 7D
8,943 (#1008)
1.43% 7D
8% 7D
10,131 (#658)
0.3% 7D
8% 7D
3,576 (#1675)
0.11% 7D
8% 7D
7,315 (#1874)
0.01% 7D
8% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 14:28
Wombat 主池奖励更新 🐻• @BNBCHAIN ($BTCB - $BNB - $USDT):~12% APR• @arbitrum ($ WBTC - $ETH - $USDT):约 17% APR• @ethereum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT):约 342% APR• @avax($BTC.b - $AVAX - $USDT):约 41% APR• @Scroll_ZKP($WBTC - $ETH - $USDC):约 63% APR在我们的单边池中进行质押,通过[...]
Score 100
2024-09-18 12:17
喜欢#stablecoin的收益耕作吗? @HorizonProtocol $zUSD - $USDC池提供丰厚的 APR! 🍬将您的$USDC质押在@BNBCHAIN单边池中,即可在$HZN 、 $WOM中赚取高达 30% 的 APR,再加上一些@wompets_WPP 以获得额外的$USDT奖励!从这里开始⬇️https://app.wombat.exchange/pool?chain=bsc
Score 100
2024-09-17 13:04
🚨新鲜出炉! @BNBCHAIN上的$zUSD池人头攒动,因为@horizonprotocol提供了丰厚的奖励!$zUSD - $USDC池中的 LP 可以赚取 60,000 $HZN并且在单边池中质押$zUSD和$USDC可获得令人印象深刻的 APR。 🎯另外, @wompets_ WPP 可获得奖励$USDT 。平衡交换以提高覆盖率,使您的 WPP 翻倍! 🏆
Score 100
2024-09-17 13:03
Wombat 的稳定币盛会来了! 🍻将您的$USDT或$USDC放入 Wombat 的单边跨链池中并解锁一些丰厚的奖励:👉 $WOM最高 115% APR, @base链费用分摊,加上其他链的丰厚 2 位数APR👉收集@wompets_ WPP 用于 LP和交换以提高覆盖率在 Wombat,每个人都是赢家! 🐾
Score 100
2024-09-19 04:14
You will never get the answer to this question. This became forbidden 🚫 issue in this chat.
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:32
Yeah i understand the mechanism but i had never seen a cov. ratio so low. I was worried
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:28
You can deposit some USDC or swap some USDC for zUSD to balance the ratio.
Score 80
2024-09-18 11:27
Please refer to this article for a better understanding, you’ll find all the important details with examples:https://medium.com/wombat-exchange/coverage-ratio-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-healthy-for-your-deposits-36663d18bb15
Score 80
2024-09-17 13:07
Footage available tomorrow sers!
Score 80
2024-09-17 13:05
非常感谢@fraxfinance 、 @jaeonchain 、 @puffer_finance和@CurveFinance的精彩演讲。 🤝我们与顶尖人才@2lambro 、 @mrblocktw 、 @definidude和@Defi0xJeff就 LST 和 DeFi 进行了精彩的交流。非常精彩!
Score 80
2024-09-19 07:48
The announcement is on the way, stay tuned.
Score 60
2024-09-18 12:44
RT @Haj1379: 🔺 @WombatExchange on @avax is making waves with a TVL of over $3M! 🔺The ggAVAX-AVAX Pool is leading the charge with 1,341,092…
Score 55
2024-09-17 09:22
RT @FortiFi_: The Fortcast Guest List has been racking up some heavy hitters 👀🤝 Tap into an upcoming Fortcast or any of the recording to l…
Score 44
2024-09-18 13:30
Love yield farming from #stablecoin? The @HorizonProtocol $zUSD - $USDC pool is giving yummy APRs! 🍬 Stake your $USDC in the single-sided pool on @BNBCHAIN and earn up to 30% APR in $HZN, $WOM, plus some @wompets_ WPP for extra $USDT rewards! Start[...]
Score 43
2024-09-17 15:00
Huge thanks to @fraxfinance, @jaeonchain, @puffer_finance, and @CurveFinance for an amazing session. 🤝 We had such a great chat on LST and DeFi with the top minds @2lambro, @mrblocktw, @definidude, and @Defi0xJeff. So much alpha! https://t.co/RdsXvd[...]
Score 42
2024-09-17 14:36
🚨 Hot off the press! The $zUSD Pool on @BNBCHAIN is buzzing as @horizonprotocol offers juicy incentives! LPs in $zUSD - $USDC pools can earn 60,000 $HZN with impressive APRs for staking $zUSD and $USDC in single-sided pools. 🎯 Plus, @wompets_ WPP f[...]
Score 41
2024-09-19 12:19
Wombat Main Pool Rewards Update 🐻 • @BNBCHAIN ($BTCB - $BNB - $USDT): ~12% APR • @arbitrum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT): ~17% APR • @ethereum ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDT): ~342% APR • @avax ($BTC.b - $AVAX - $USDT): ~41% APR • @Scroll_ZKP ($WBTC - $ETH - $USDC)[...]
Score 39
2024-09-18 11:24
Why cov. Ratio on usdc (zusd pool) is only 9.5%? And what can be done to balance it?
Score 36
2024-09-17 09:25
Here comes a stablecoin fiesta at Wombat! 🍻 Stake your $USDT or $USDC into Wombat’s single-sided Cross-chain pools and unlock some serious rewards: 👉 Up to 115% APR in $WOM and fee-sharing on @base, plus juicy 2-digit APRs on other chains 👉 Collect[...]
Score 35
2024-09-19 16:22
RT @Haj1379: 🐻@WombatExchange on @AVAX: Pool Analysis Main Pool (BTC/AVAX/USDT): • High decentralization in BTC/AVAX (80%+ small deposito…
Score 34
2024-09-19 05:43
RT @HorizonProtocol: That $USDC APR is 🔥 👀👀👀
Score 33
2024-09-18 04:39
Wgp Epoch 2 will end soon is that all? Or will launch epoch 3?
Score 30
2024-09-19 05:43
RT @wompets_: Epoch 2 has ended! The WPG ➡️ $USDT Claim is now LIVE! 👉 Claim your $USDT here: https://t.co/fCtL0IIP5K Please only click t…
Score 23
2024-09-18 05:17
Hi, As I see the wombat exchange dev still work, is there any chances that $wom will be listed in Binance? Recently small cap listed in Binance launchpool.
Score 19
2024-09-18 13:18
RT @wompets_: Epoch 2 is wrapping up in just a few hours! ⏳ Don’t forget to spend your WPP to boost your WPG. The $USDT conversion kicks i…
Score 15
2024-09-18 13:18
RT @CapybaraDEX: Exciting times! @Swapscanner’s wrapped $GCKLAY is officially in the CapybaraDEX LST pool! 🚀 Stake $wGCKLAY in our single-…
Score 14
2024-09-19 12:56
this epoch looks inactive bcs of WPG ratio
Score 12
2024-09-19 04:11
Epoche 1/ 56 dollar Epoche 2 /1.1dollar 😱
Score 7
2024-09-20 03:12
Либо холдер суицидник либо разраб
Score 0
2024-09-20 03:11
Ну вот кто виновник дампа. Явно не фермер 0xD7548DDE92e087530Df13c548640d08C38e7d477
Score 0
2024-09-19 19:38
Hello Team, great work on this project!Can i please have one of the Admins send me a message? I am interested in this platform and also i have a promotional offer that can take this project to the next level and bring in thousands of big investors. [...]
Score 0
2024-09-19 07:48
Yeah, you won't get an answer to the DEX listing questions in this chat because we've already answered that question many times.Try to seach in chat history.
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:39
Кстати, Алекс, на мой взгляд, действительно мало что решает в финансовом плане. WOM запампят до определенного уровня только тогда, когда решит сизый очкарик. А до тех пор все будут стоять раком.
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:33
WOM может быть и будет рабочим проектом, но бабки свои мы точно не вернем по одной простой причине. Их вывели и в экосистеме проекта их физически не осталось. По сути, единственная ликвидность это те средства которые зафармили на 3-5 лет. И все. Живо[...]
Score 0
2024-09-18 18:30
В некоторых проектах таких как Bird бабло откровенно спиздили, затем «поменяли» команду, но воз и ныне там.
Score 0
2024-09-18 15:29
Bitcoin breaks through 60,000 in September, and the entire currency market will rise in September✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Score 0
2024-09-18 04:40
Best way to get points is trading and balancing pools
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:43
v cảm ơn nhá, chứ nặng tàu lắm r
Score 0
2024-09-17 18:07
Hello, I have a marketing proposal I’d like to discuss. Could you please direct me to the right person to connect with?
Score 0
2024-09-17 17:36
Ah sorry, mate. I really didn’t see it. You should claim your rewards in 30 days.
Score 0

Coins to Watch

Price $0.165305 +5.01% CD-Score 53/100
Price $0.494566 -8.06% CD-Score 36/100
Price $0.000012 +8.65% CD-Score 34/100

Coins to Watch