Vyvo Smart Chain




What is Vyvo Smart Chain?

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is Read more

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including staking and rewarding users for contributions. How the Burn-and-Mint Economics will work in Vyvo Smart Chain? The Vyvo Coin (VSC) to Vyvo Data Credit (VDC) relationship is based on burn-and-mint equilibrium. This relationship’s intent is to allow for a supply of VSC to respond to Data purchase trends such that, when equilibrium is reached, the amount of VSC that currently exists remains static month-to-month. The amount of VDC produced by burning VSC will fluctuate based on the USD price of VSC.

What is Vyvo Smart Chain?

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockch Read more

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including staking and rewarding users for contributions. How the Burn-and-Mint Economics will work in Vyvo Smart Chain? The Vyvo Coin (VSC) to Vyvo Data Credit (VDC) relationship is based on burn-and-mint equilibrium. This relationship’s intent is to allow for a supply of VSC to respond to Data purchase trends such that, when equilibrium is reached, the amount of VSC that currently exists remains static month-to-month. The amount of VDC produced by burning VSC will fluctuate based on the USD price of VSC.

B 85
25,490 (#2034)
0.25% 7D
16% 7D
7,590 (#699)
1.51% 7D
16% 7D
1,725 (#1179)
0.06% 7D
16% 7D
930 (#2391)
0.54% 7D
16% 7D
2,642 (#2476)
0.15% 7D
16% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Dec 30 2023

$0.00 84.58%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Nov 11 2023

$0.00 6%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#2306 12,603 7.00 0.76
#699 7,590 11.75 15
@Vyvo Coin
#2476 2,642
@Vyvo Coin
#1179 1,725
@Vyvo Smart Chain (VSC)
#2391 930

Community Score

B 85

Vyvo Smart Chain's community is presently holding a 'B' grade, indicating a high level of interactions relative to the number of followers. It has a moderate follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.14% 4.62% 14.94% 19.19%
Follower 0.29% 0.25% 0.04% 0.96%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 03:52
The Helo Smart app is currently not available on the Google Play store. We invite you to download the app through our info center: https://info.helohealth.com/blog/mobile-app-q-as-14/mobile-app-apk-download-431
Score 80
2024-09-18 13:02
The Data NFT needs to be level 1 or higher for the generated Health Index Score to earn B3TR. The user will also need to follow the instructions on the VeChain page to set up their VeWorld app wallet. https://www.vyvo.org/vechain
Score 80
2024-09-17 02:25
With BioSense Ring, you don’t just get a comprehensive look into your health, you get to benefit from the full Vyvo Ecosystem. BioSense Ring is compatible with #VyvoSmartChain, meaning you get rewarded for caring about your health 🤗 https://t.co/ObbX[...]
Score 70
2024-09-18 15:10
Tracking your health doesn't have to be hard! With Vyvo's Health Index, get a simple weekly score that shows how you're doing across three areas: Vitals, Activity, and Well-being. Stay informed, stay motivated, and take control of your wellness journ[...]
Score 60
2024-09-18 13:22
Please helo smart not on android play store again
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:53
To get the V3TR, you will need a helo device and an NFT.
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:48
Do we need any special device to earn B3TR?
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:43
Can you give me some information? If possible, in Turkish
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:28
Please use this invitation code👇ICB9362530705
Score 60
2024-09-17 08:42
it goes together by one name ""USDT TRC20"" so i cant understand how to work with it
Score 60
2024-09-17 07:56
Does it currently support Apple Watch?
Score 60
2024-09-18 08:10
グループの方で、最近使い始めたバイオセンスで測定したところ、心電図の波形が異常に細かくなりました。その方が、別のバイオセンスで測定すると、通常の波形となります。バイオセンスの不良問題だと思われますので、チケットを出したいです。しかし、Helo Shopにログインしようにも、sign inでotp(4桁)を求められて、ログインするも、また、sign inの画面になり、その繰り返しです。ほとほと、困っています。こちらのチャットにはvyvoのカスタマーらしき方もいらっしゃるようなので、よろしくお願いし[...]
Score 40
2024-09-17 08:37
You can’t receive TRC-20 on polygon sir it’s either your receive USDT on polygon or on TRc-20
Score 40
2024-09-17 05:03
The update is for the Heka Pro app.
Score 40
2024-09-19 22:22
Is there someone who wanna buildUI/UX design, meme website, bot&mini app?
Score 0
2024-09-19 12:26
I have responded to your DM. Thank you.
Score 0
2024-09-18 13:00
For information about earning B3TR using the Health Index Score generated weekly by your Vyvo device and Data NFT (only Level 1 and higher can earn B3TR) visit the https://www.vyvo.org/vechain
Score 0
2024-09-18 08:06
Heka proやOdeeはメールアドレスとワンタイムパスワードでログインするだけで入れますが、インペルソナなどのウォレットはニーモニックフレーズや秘密鍵からインポートをしないとウォレットには入れませんのでどちらかでインポートしてください。
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:51
教えてください。友達が機種変更をしたらHEKApro インペルソナ メタマスクにログインできなくなりました。HEKAproは復旧できたのですがインペルソナとメタマスクのシークレットキーから先は進めません。Odeeだけは正常です。インペルソナはカードの表示が出てきません。メタマスクはウォレットをインポート出来ません。どなたか解決策をご存知ありませんか?よろしくお願いします。
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:27
您好,VAI 代幣的發行價將為0.75美元,目前尚未發布白皮書,若有更新資訊將會即時通知大家
Score 0
2024-09-18 00:37
I would like to confirm something. It is about the VAI token. I heard that some of the uses include the use of gas money. Is this true? I would appreciate an answer.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:49
Is this project on Vechain blockchain?
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:49
I did not see dapps link in veworld wallet
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:39
I tried again and again but it didn't work.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:39
Uninstall the app once and try to install it again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:36
Please try to put it in againICB3995808511
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:33
Close the inPersona app. Open it back up and try a code again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:32
Invitation code→ PCB24NHRL or ICB7790303355
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:31
invitation code → ICB3995808511
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:30
Log in using the OTP that comes in your email and then use the invitation code 😊Please try this invitation code again👇ICB9362530705
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:30
Log in using the OTP that comes in your email and then use the invitation code . Here is the Getting started setup guide for the inPersona app. https://vyvosocialfi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/EN_How-to-Become-a-Vyvo-Member.pdf
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:55
Can I receive it in my inpersona wallet polygon? Or binance?
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:44
do I need to create a new wallet for it, or i can receive in my existing wallet in inpersona?
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:44
TRC-20 is for Tron chainErc-20 is for Ethereum chainSo USDT as a token can be sent through any of these chains Could be TRC-20 or ERC-20 or others
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:35
is it better to receive USDT trc 20 via polygon or binance? or to vyvo?
Score 0
2024-09-17 05:23
Google PlayストアとApple Appストアにで、Heka Pro (ver 1.6.0(1)アップデートが可能です。
Score 0
2024-09-17 04:17
I’ve checked and I see no neew update for the Helo Health Dapp on the apple store, nor in the Helo Health Dapp firmware update.
Score 0
2024-09-17 01:59
大家好,Heka Pro 應用程式的新版本,已在 Google Play 商店和 Apple App 商店上線
Score 0

Vyvo Smart Chain




What is Vyvo Smart Chain?

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is Read more

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including staking and rewarding users for contributions. How the Burn-and-Mint Economics will work in Vyvo Smart Chain? The Vyvo Coin (VSC) to Vyvo Data Credit (VDC) relationship is based on burn-and-mint equilibrium. This relationship’s intent is to allow for a supply of VSC to respond to Data purchase trends such that, when equilibrium is reached, the amount of VSC that currently exists remains static month-to-month. The amount of VDC produced by burning VSC will fluctuate based on the USD price of VSC.

What is Vyvo Smart Chain?

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockch Read more

What is Vyvo Smart Chain Network? Vyvo Smart Chain Network is a Layer 1 Ethereum-compatible blockchain network. It is the latest blockchain framework that aims to ensure data security and decentralization through hybrid Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Sensing (PoSe) validation protocols. What is Vyvo Coin $(VSC)? Vyvo Coin ($VSC) is the native cryptocurrency of Vyvo Smart Chain Network. It is used for various purposes within the ecosystem, including staking and rewarding users for contributions. How the Burn-and-Mint Economics will work in Vyvo Smart Chain? The Vyvo Coin (VSC) to Vyvo Data Credit (VDC) relationship is based on burn-and-mint equilibrium. This relationship’s intent is to allow for a supply of VSC to respond to Data purchase trends such that, when equilibrium is reached, the amount of VSC that currently exists remains static month-to-month. The amount of VDC produced by burning VSC will fluctuate based on the USD price of VSC.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.14% 4.62% 14.94% 19.19%
Follower 0.29% 0.25% 0.04% 0.96%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Dec 30 2023

$0.00 84.58%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Nov 11 2023

$0.00 6%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#2306 12,603 7.00 0.76
#699 7,590 11.75 15
@Vyvo Coin
#2476 2,642
@Vyvo Coin
#1179 1,725
@Vyvo Smart Chain (VSC)
#2391 930
B 85
25,490 (#2034)
0.25% 7D
16% 7D
7,590 (#699)
1.51% 7D
16% 7D
1,725 (#1179)
0.06% 7D
16% 7D
930 (#2391)
0.54% 7D
16% 7D
2,642 (#2476)
0.15% 7D
16% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 03:52
The Helo Smart app is currently not available on the Google Play store. We invite you to download the app through our info center: https://info.helohealth.com/blog/mobile-app-q-as-14/mobile-app-apk-download-431
Score 80
2024-09-18 13:02
The Data NFT needs to be level 1 or higher for the generated Health Index Score to earn B3TR. The user will also need to follow the instructions on the VeChain page to set up their VeWorld app wallet. https://www.vyvo.org/vechain
Score 80
2024-09-17 02:25
With BioSense Ring, you don’t just get a comprehensive look into your health, you get to benefit from the full Vyvo Ecosystem. BioSense Ring is compatible with #VyvoSmartChain, meaning you get rewarded for caring about your health 🤗 https://t.co/ObbX[...]
Score 70
2024-09-18 15:10
Tracking your health doesn't have to be hard! With Vyvo's Health Index, get a simple weekly score that shows how you're doing across three areas: Vitals, Activity, and Well-being. Stay informed, stay motivated, and take control of your wellness journ[...]
Score 60
2024-09-18 13:22
Please helo smart not on android play store again
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:53
To get the V3TR, you will need a helo device and an NFT.
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:48
Do we need any special device to earn B3TR?
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:43
Can you give me some information? If possible, in Turkish
Score 60
2024-09-17 23:28
Please use this invitation code👇ICB9362530705
Score 60
2024-09-17 08:42
it goes together by one name ""USDT TRC20"" so i cant understand how to work with it
Score 60
2024-09-17 07:56
Does it currently support Apple Watch?
Score 60
2024-09-18 08:10
グループの方で、最近使い始めたバイオセンスで測定したところ、心電図の波形が異常に細かくなりました。その方が、別のバイオセンスで測定すると、通常の波形となります。バイオセンスの不良問題だと思われますので、チケットを出したいです。しかし、Helo Shopにログインしようにも、sign inでotp(4桁)を求められて、ログインするも、また、sign inの画面になり、その繰り返しです。ほとほと、困っています。こちらのチャットにはvyvoのカスタマーらしき方もいらっしゃるようなので、よろしくお願いし[...]
Score 40
2024-09-17 08:37
You can’t receive TRC-20 on polygon sir it’s either your receive USDT on polygon or on TRc-20
Score 40
2024-09-17 05:03
The update is for the Heka Pro app.
Score 40
2024-09-19 22:22
Is there someone who wanna buildUI/UX design, meme website, bot&mini app?
Score 0
2024-09-19 12:26
I have responded to your DM. Thank you.
Score 0
2024-09-18 13:00
For information about earning B3TR using the Health Index Score generated weekly by your Vyvo device and Data NFT (only Level 1 and higher can earn B3TR) visit the https://www.vyvo.org/vechain
Score 0
2024-09-18 08:06
Heka proやOdeeはメールアドレスとワンタイムパスワードでログインするだけで入れますが、インペルソナなどのウォレットはニーモニックフレーズや秘密鍵からインポートをしないとウォレットには入れませんのでどちらかでインポートしてください。
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:51
教えてください。友達が機種変更をしたらHEKApro インペルソナ メタマスクにログインできなくなりました。HEKAproは復旧できたのですがインペルソナとメタマスクのシークレットキーから先は進めません。Odeeだけは正常です。インペルソナはカードの表示が出てきません。メタマスクはウォレットをインポート出来ません。どなたか解決策をご存知ありませんか?よろしくお願いします。
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:27
您好,VAI 代幣的發行價將為0.75美元,目前尚未發布白皮書,若有更新資訊將會即時通知大家
Score 0
2024-09-18 00:37
I would like to confirm something. It is about the VAI token. I heard that some of the uses include the use of gas money. Is this true? I would appreciate an answer.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:49
Is this project on Vechain blockchain?
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:49
I did not see dapps link in veworld wallet
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:39
I tried again and again but it didn't work.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:39
Uninstall the app once and try to install it again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:36
Please try to put it in againICB3995808511
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:33
Close the inPersona app. Open it back up and try a code again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:32
Invitation code→ PCB24NHRL or ICB7790303355
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:31
invitation code → ICB3995808511
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:30
Log in using the OTP that comes in your email and then use the invitation code 😊Please try this invitation code again👇ICB9362530705
Score 0
2024-09-17 23:30
Log in using the OTP that comes in your email and then use the invitation code . Here is the Getting started setup guide for the inPersona app. https://vyvosocialfi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/EN_How-to-Become-a-Vyvo-Member.pdf
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:55
Can I receive it in my inpersona wallet polygon? Or binance?
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:44
do I need to create a new wallet for it, or i can receive in my existing wallet in inpersona?
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:44
TRC-20 is for Tron chainErc-20 is for Ethereum chainSo USDT as a token can be sent through any of these chains Could be TRC-20 or ERC-20 or others
Score 0
2024-09-17 08:35
is it better to receive USDT trc 20 via polygon or binance? or to vyvo?
Score 0
2024-09-17 05:23
Google PlayストアとApple Appストアにで、Heka Pro (ver 1.6.0(1)アップデートが可能です。
Score 0
2024-09-17 04:17
I’ve checked and I see no neew update for the Helo Health Dapp on the apple store, nor in the Helo Health Dapp firmware update.
Score 0
2024-09-17 01:59
大家好,Heka Pro 應用程式的新版本,已在 Google Play 商店和 Apple App 商店上線
Score 0

Coins to Watch

Price $0.164558 +4.6% CD-Score 54/100
Price $0.013398 +3.58% CD-Score 33/100
Price $0.943701 +4.47% CD-Score 33/100

Coins to Watch