



What is SafeMoon?

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming. Read more

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming.

What is SafeMoon?

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming. Read more

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming.

Community Score

- 0
1,564,912 (#91)
0.02% 7D
0% 7D
291,248 (#12)
0.03% 7D
0% 7D
36,879 (#327)
0.02% 7D
0% 7D

ℹ ️ Insufficient Data

Couldn't find anything unusual due to lack of data.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

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Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Jan 05 2022

$0.00 99.16%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Aug 27 2024

$0.00 59%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#42 1,236,785
#12 291,248 7.00 0.05 18
@SafeMoon (SFM)
#327 36,879

Community Score

- 0

We are unable to give a rating to SafeMoon's community, as the available data is inadequate for a comprehensive analysis

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 0.74% 11.02% 0.11% 9.09%
Follower 0.08% 0.02% 0.13% 0.4%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-17 16:54
wouldn.t wish this token on my worst enemies wallet
Score 80
2024-09-17 23:54
Can you login to your safemoon wallet? - My credentials are correct but i go on the app, try to login and it just does nothing, doesnt login
Score 60
2024-09-17 17:22
Wouldn't wish this token on my wife's boyfriends wallet
Score 44
2024-09-17 16:17
Don't ask such questions. Could wake up TNGSystems and kill us all when he bores us to death with his yappuchinos.
Score 22
2024-09-19 18:42
I'd be willing to buy the smart contract and reboot the coin. If the system was run honestly it would have been good.
Score 7
2024-09-19 04:48
False. You can not send SFM anymore
Score 0
2024-09-19 04:48
That's because there is no more SFM
Score 0
2024-09-18 16:08
Sure thing! Just make sure you double check the wallet address before sending any SafeMoon. Better safe than sorry!
Score 0
2024-09-18 12:17
Ya send it to Utah correction facility
Score 0
2024-09-18 09:11
""Safemoon got me into gambling"" Fixed it for you.
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:00
Translation: We are looking for a way to get the most idiotic fans to spend money on this dead project again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 21:04
What does this mean to those that still have the tokens?
Score 0
2024-09-17 20:35
No you can’t send it to an exchange
Score 0
2024-09-17 17:00
To be fair we could buy the smart contract and reboot the system to get everyone their coins back.
Score 0
2024-09-17 16:27
Have any of the new idiots... - who bought the SafeMoon stuff when TNGSystems sent the previous idiots to jail for no reason and whatnot expressed any intention to, in any way, revive the fake SafeMoon money by, say, allowing it to be converted into [...]
Score 0
2024-09-17 11:00
Send John to f*ing Prison already
Score 0
2024-09-17 04:10
5.5k to 779k. Took 30k out. Lol. I still look back and laugh.
Score 0





What is SafeMoon?

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming. Read more

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming.

What is SafeMoon?

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming. Read more

SafeMoon - Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 0.74% 11.02% 0.11% 9.09%
Follower 0.08% 0.02% 0.13% 0.4%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Jan 05 2022

$0.00 99.16%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Aug 27 2024

$0.00 59%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#42 1,236,785
#12 291,248 7.00 0.05 18
@SafeMoon (SFM)
#327 36,879

Community Score

- 0
1,564,912 (#91)
0.02% 7D
0% 7D
291,248 (#12)
0.03% 7D
0% 7D
36,879 (#327)
0.02% 7D
0% 7D

ℹ ️ Insufficient Data

Couldn't find anything unusual due to lack of data.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-17 16:54
wouldn.t wish this token on my worst enemies wallet
Score 80
2024-09-17 23:54
Can you login to your safemoon wallet? - My credentials are correct but i go on the app, try to login and it just does nothing, doesnt login
Score 60
2024-09-17 17:22
Wouldn't wish this token on my wife's boyfriends wallet
Score 44
2024-09-17 16:17
Don't ask such questions. Could wake up TNGSystems and kill us all when he bores us to death with his yappuchinos.
Score 22
2024-09-19 18:42
I'd be willing to buy the smart contract and reboot the coin. If the system was run honestly it would have been good.
Score 7
2024-09-19 04:48
False. You can not send SFM anymore
Score 0
2024-09-19 04:48
That's because there is no more SFM
Score 0
2024-09-18 16:08
Sure thing! Just make sure you double check the wallet address before sending any SafeMoon. Better safe than sorry!
Score 0
2024-09-18 12:17
Ya send it to Utah correction facility
Score 0
2024-09-18 09:11
""Safemoon got me into gambling"" Fixed it for you.
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:00
Translation: We are looking for a way to get the most idiotic fans to spend money on this dead project again.
Score 0
2024-09-17 21:04
What does this mean to those that still have the tokens?
Score 0
2024-09-17 20:35
No you can’t send it to an exchange
Score 0
2024-09-17 17:00
To be fair we could buy the smart contract and reboot the system to get everyone their coins back.
Score 0
2024-09-17 16:27
Have any of the new idiots... - who bought the SafeMoon stuff when TNGSystems sent the previous idiots to jail for no reason and whatnot expressed any intention to, in any way, revive the fake SafeMoon money by, say, allowing it to be converted into [...]
Score 0
2024-09-17 11:00
Send John to f*ing Prison already
Score 0
2024-09-17 04:10
5.5k to 779k. Took 30k out. Lol. I still look back and laugh.
Score 0

Coins to Watch

Price $0.165305 +5.01% CD-Score 53/100
Price $0.494566 -8.06% CD-Score 36/100
Price $0.000012 +8.65% CD-Score 34/100

Coins to Watch