Revenue Coin




What is Revenue Coin?

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback Read more

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback and burning of tokens. Companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obliged to allocate up to 10% of their revenues to this end. In addition, the temporary blocking of RVC held by the team and the largest investors will protect it against sudden price falls. Revenue Coin (RVC) is a revenue token. The settlement between Revenue Capital - the issuer of tokens - and you as an investor takes place by buying and burning tokens. Both burning (reduction of supply) and purchase of tokens from exchanges will increase the RVC value systematically over time.

What is Revenue Coin?

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities Read more

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback and burning of tokens. Companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obliged to allocate up to 10% of their revenues to this end. In addition, the temporary blocking of RVC held by the team and the largest investors will protect it against sudden price falls. Revenue Coin (RVC) is a revenue token. The settlement between Revenue Capital - the issuer of tokens - and you as an investor takes place by buying and burning tokens. Both burning (reduction of supply) and purchase of tokens from exchanges will increase the RVC value systematically over time.

1 New Partnerships (Last 90d)
Partner: @blocklogica - Blocklogica Labs is the ultimate Web3 Strategy Hub propelling disruptive start-ups and visionary inv[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-07-05
Followers: 7,142

RT @blocklogica: Blocklogica Labs welcomes Revenue Capital (@RevenueCoin) as its Investment Partner!🎆 This alliance aims to leverage Reven…
Go To Tweet →

Community Score

C 60
20,388 (#2162)
0.29% 7D
5% 7D
3,756 (#1830)
0% 7D
5% 7D
1,936 (#2031)
0.05% 7D
5% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

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Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Dec 18 2021

$0.00 97.09%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Nov 07 2023

$0.00 197%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#2216 14,696 4.00 10.00
#1830 3,756 6.50 7
@Revenue Coin (RVC)
#2031 1,936

Community Score

C 60

Revenue Coin's community is presently assigned a 'C' grade, showing a moderate level of follower interactions. It has a moderate follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.36% 6.9% 8.49% 13.47%
Follower 0% 0.29% 0.37% 0.83%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 14:54
**Essential Tools for Crypto Investment Success**Building a robust crypto investment strategy? Let's talk about the must-have tools in every savvy investor's kit.🧰1️⃣ Portfolio Trackers: Keep tabs on your investments across multiple wallets and excha[...]
Score 65
2024-09-18 06:32
The question is if it's possible to reach ATH, it should do 40X if I'm not wrong 😄
Score 60
2024-09-17 21:12
alliances and more alliances and the MC goes down? Now we are at 1 million MC? . I can't believe it
Score 60
2024-09-17 13:40
Navigating the Ever-Changing Crypto Narrative Landscape The crypto space is a tapestry of evolving narratives. Let's explore why understanding these trends is crucial for savvy investors.📊 Recent weeks have seen surges in various sectors: 🔹 DeFi ([...]
Score 57
2024-09-17 13:40
**Navigating the Ever-Changing Crypto Narrative Landscape**The crypto space is a tapestry of evolving narratives. Let's explore why understanding these trends is crucial for savvy investors.📊Recent weeks have seen surges in various sectors: 🔹 DeFi (D[...]
Score 6
2024-09-18 14:53
Hello, I have a legitimate company that offers 10% of your investment daily. You can withdraw daily, and they trade in bot inbox me privately for the company link
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:49
Me too. Too many people with bags 😄 Fortunately for me, I don't need ATH. X 10 from now will be very satisfied I guess. X 5 not great but still ""ok"". That is possible I hope due to the low MC.
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:15
I doubt we will see that ath again imo
Score 0
2024-09-18 06:30
For some it's fine cause you can buy for the very low price 😛
Score 0

Revenue Coin




What is Revenue Coin?

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback Read more

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback and burning of tokens. Companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obliged to allocate up to 10% of their revenues to this end. In addition, the temporary blocking of RVC held by the team and the largest investors will protect it against sudden price falls. Revenue Coin (RVC) is a revenue token. The settlement between Revenue Capital - the issuer of tokens - and you as an investor takes place by buying and burning tokens. Both burning (reduction of supply) and purchase of tokens from exchanges will increase the RVC value systematically over time.

What is Revenue Coin?

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities Read more

Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation. Revenue Coin is a deflationary token, and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback and burning of tokens. Companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obliged to allocate up to 10% of their revenues to this end. In addition, the temporary blocking of RVC held by the team and the largest investors will protect it against sudden price falls. Revenue Coin (RVC) is a revenue token. The settlement between Revenue Capital - the issuer of tokens - and you as an investor takes place by buying and burning tokens. Both burning (reduction of supply) and purchase of tokens from exchanges will increase the RVC value systematically over time.

1 New Partnerships (Last 90d)
Partner: @blocklogica - Blocklogica Labs is the ultimate Web3 Strategy Hub propelling disruptive start-ups and visionary inv[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-07-05
Followers: 7,142

RT @blocklogica: Blocklogica Labs welcomes Revenue Capital (@RevenueCoin) as its Investment Partner!🎆 This alliance aims to leverage Reven…
Go To Tweet →
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 1.36% 6.9% 8.49% 13.47%
Follower 0% 0.29% 0.37% 0.83%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Dec 18 2021

$0.00 97.09%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Nov 07 2023

$0.00 197%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#2216 14,696 4.00 10.00
#1830 3,756 6.50 7
@Revenue Coin (RVC)
#2031 1,936

Community Score

C 60
20,388 (#2162)
0.29% 7D
5% 7D
3,756 (#1830)
0% 7D
5% 7D
1,936 (#2031)
0.05% 7D
5% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 14:54
**Essential Tools for Crypto Investment Success**Building a robust crypto investment strategy? Let's talk about the must-have tools in every savvy investor's kit.🧰1️⃣ Portfolio Trackers: Keep tabs on your investments across multiple wallets and excha[...]
Score 65
2024-09-18 06:32
The question is if it's possible to reach ATH, it should do 40X if I'm not wrong 😄
Score 60
2024-09-17 21:12
alliances and more alliances and the MC goes down? Now we are at 1 million MC? . I can't believe it
Score 60
2024-09-17 13:40
Navigating the Ever-Changing Crypto Narrative Landscape The crypto space is a tapestry of evolving narratives. Let's explore why understanding these trends is crucial for savvy investors.📊 Recent weeks have seen surges in various sectors: 🔹 DeFi ([...]
Score 57
2024-09-17 13:40
**Navigating the Ever-Changing Crypto Narrative Landscape**The crypto space is a tapestry of evolving narratives. Let's explore why understanding these trends is crucial for savvy investors.📊Recent weeks have seen surges in various sectors: 🔹 DeFi (D[...]
Score 6
2024-09-18 14:53
Hello, I have a legitimate company that offers 10% of your investment daily. You can withdraw daily, and they trade in bot inbox me privately for the company link
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:49
Me too. Too many people with bags 😄 Fortunately for me, I don't need ATH. X 10 from now will be very satisfied I guess. X 5 not great but still ""ok"". That is possible I hope due to the low MC.
Score 0
2024-09-18 07:15
I doubt we will see that ath again imo
Score 0
2024-09-18 06:30
For some it's fine cause you can buy for the very low price 😛
Score 0

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