



What is Holo?

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information Read more

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information. Holochain is an energy efficient post-blockchain ledger system and decentralized application platform that uses peer-to-peer networking for processing agent centric agreement and consensus systems between users. Holochain enables any device to have its own chain based ledger system. By using a holographic model for data storage and transfer developers can now create decentralized applications that can scale in multiple dimensions across a network ensuring they are truly distributed. This enables every device on a network to function independently, and only requires the synchronization of data when necessary, or agreed upon by users. This means every user is in control of their own data, and never has to risk their data being sold or exposed to 3rd parties like what just happened with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Holochain provides a framework for developers to build decentralized applications and aims to change the paradigm of data-centric blockchains to an agent-centric system. In Holochain’s fledgling system, no true global consensus is maintained. Instead, each agent in the public blockchain maintains a private fork, essentially, that is managed and stored in a limited way on the public blockchain with a distributed hash table. This means there are no scalability limits and dapps hosted on Holochain can do much more with less of nearly everything than traditional blockchains. This system however has some inherent weaknesses. Because the entire blockchain must be verified by each member of the network, scalability problems quickly develop. The larger the amount of data being handled, the more restrictive the limit of transactions per second that can occur on the blockchain at any one time.Holochain itself is open source and written in Go. Go was selected for its ease of use and similarity to C. Dapps written specifically for Holochain can be developed with JavaScript or Lisp, with support for front-end systems using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The developers added that Holochain is relatively flexible when it comes to handling new languages, so there is potential for growth on that front. Holochain bills itself as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional blockchains. Because there is no need for each individual agent to store and validate the global blockchain, Holochain only consumes a fraction of the bandwidth of traditional chains. Holochain also does not have a mining component, so there’s no electricity or processing power spent on proof-of-work calculations. Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun are the co-founders of Holochain and creators of Holochain. They have been designing alternatives currencies since the 80’s and have been working on Holu since before the Bitcoin whitepaper was written. To protect the incentives of users, founders and developers, Holochain is owned by a non-profit foundation. he company’s advisory team also includes Ryan Bubinski, the co-founder of CodeAcademy. In June, Holochain announced a new strategic partnership with Promether, an Adaptive Symbiotic Platform (ASP) that implements all the networking, security and anonymization code applications need to protect their data.

What is Holo?

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and prot Read more

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information. Holochain is an energy efficient post-blockchain ledger system and decentralized application platform that uses peer-to-peer networking for processing agent centric agreement and consensus systems between users. Holochain enables any device to have its own chain based ledger system. By using a holographic model for data storage and transfer developers can now create decentralized applications that can scale in multiple dimensions across a network ensuring they are truly distributed. This enables every device on a network to function independently, and only requires the synchronization of data when necessary, or agreed upon by users. This means every user is in control of their own data, and never has to risk their data being sold or exposed to 3rd parties like what just happened with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Holochain provides a framework for developers to build decentralized applications and aims to change the paradigm of data-centric blockchains to an agent-centric system. In Holochain’s fledgling system, no true global consensus is maintained. Instead, each agent in the public blockchain maintains a private fork, essentially, that is managed and stored in a limited way on the public blockchain with a distributed hash table. This means there are no scalability limits and dapps hosted on Holochain can do much more with less of nearly everything than traditional blockchains. This system however has some inherent weaknesses. Because the entire blockchain must be verified by each member of the network, scalability problems quickly develop. The larger the amount of data being handled, the more restrictive the limit of transactions per second that can occur on the blockchain at any one time.Holochain itself is open source and written in Go. Go was selected for its ease of use and similarity to C. Dapps written specifically for Holochain can be developed with JavaScript or Lisp, with support for front-end systems using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The developers added that Holochain is relatively flexible when it comes to handling new languages, so there is potential for growth on that front. Holochain bills itself as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional blockchains. Because there is no need for each individual agent to store and validate the global blockchain, Holochain only consumes a fraction of the bandwidth of traditional chains. Holochain also does not have a mining component, so there’s no electricity or processing power spent on proof-of-work calculations. Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun are the co-founders of Holochain and creators of Holochain. They have been designing alternatives currencies since the 80’s and have been working on Holu since before the Bitcoin whitepaper was written. To protect the incentives of users, founders and developers, Holochain is owned by a non-profit foundation. he company’s advisory team also includes Ryan Bubinski, the co-founder of CodeAcademy. In June, Holochain announced a new strategic partnership with Promether, an Adaptive Symbiotic Platform (ASP) that implements all the networking, security and anonymization code applications need to protect their data.

C 60
621,013 (#247)
0.01% 7D
3% 7D
7,030 (#1206)
1.14% 7D
3% 7D
25,709 (#89)
0.01% 7D
3% 7D
102,267 (#110)
0.03% 7D
3% 7D
378,947 (#135)
0% 7D
3% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟡 Non-Organic Growth Detected

Temporary non-organic growth observed ( 11/23 ).

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Apr 05 2021

$0.00 94.301%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Mar 13 2020

$0.00 709.2284%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#135 378,947
#714 107,060 3.33 9.80
@Holo (HOT)
#110 102,267
#89 25,709 1.00 1
#1206 7,030 8.75 16

Community Score

C 60

Holo's community is presently assigned a 'C' grade, showing a moderate level of follower interactions. It has a substantial follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 3.06% 11.08% 18.76% 20.17%
Follower 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.03%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 23:19
My apologies in advance. I need to correct myself, we are NOT in the 30 day longevity test yet. But we are currently right before this happens, and will be the next phase we go through.
Score 80
2024-09-17 14:33
RT @Holochain: Today’s lunch with @Deloitte’s Center for the Edge in Singapore was a success! @marycamacho presented Holochain, with a deta…
Score 65
2024-09-17 14:34
RT @Holochain: Our booth is coming together! 📍Catch us at booth M87! #TOKEN2049 https://t.co/okAxLiC8Ie
Score 50
2024-09-19 12:50
RT @liz315: New product, ""Visible Verification"" announced by @Holochain at the @EntEthAlliance meetup at the EY office this morning. In par…
Score 45
2024-09-18 12:09
RT @Holochain: You're welcome! Come have a chat with us in our living room at #Token2049singapore. Level 4, Booth M87 near the arcade http…
Score 37
2024-09-17 15:38
Does the team think the long test will start somewhere this week?
Score 36
2024-09-19 13:21
Is there a Launch Brief scheduled for this month?
Score 30
2024-09-17 06:15
Mary has been CEO of HOLO since January 2018. So always 👍
Score 24
2024-09-18 19:14
fyi - I am still running 0.1.6. Posted on Holo forum multiple times, last few times to no response. I am in Alpha
Score 8
2024-09-18 11:38
Holo know they’ve got investors in a corner, most people bought at a high price and have watched their investment tank so they’ll just keep kicking the can down the road as no one will sell for a huge loss, they’d rather hold the lottery ticket than [...]
Score 8
2024-09-17 05:22
From recent posts I saw Mary is labeled as CEO. Art stepped down?
Score 8
2024-09-17 00:58
Absolutely. Both are still very deeply involved
Score 8
2024-09-17 17:47
Never underestimate the janitor’s
Score 2
2024-09-17 18:11
In the Singapore area and keen to go to the sold out TOKEN2049 conference?! We actually have two tickets for our long term supporters. Please DM us with a short message about why you would love to attend!
Score 2
2024-09-19 18:36
Mary Camacho and Liz Sweigart announced a new venture for Holochain at the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) event, hosted and sponsored by EY in Singapore this morning. Visible Verification will put software audits on-chain, making them visible thr[...]
Score 2
2024-09-17 15:34
Even janitors are important Nathan. Someone has to clean up🧻 when the 💩 overflows the 🚽.
Score 1
2024-09-18 14:51
Any update on the VASP-license? 🤞
Score 0
2024-09-20 00:53
Zebu Livehttps://www.zebulive.xyz/
Score 0
2024-09-19 10:27
@olyresmi please go to @Holotroopers for everything token related. This chat is not the place !
Score 0
2024-09-18 20:16
Report again. Tag @Rob. But don't worry. Some HP are left behind on purpose because they help the TEAM think about some small things to fix. The important thing is that you are Aurora and that you have access to the console 👍💪🙏🚀
Score 0
2024-09-18 15:49
Do you know how’s it going so far?
Score 0
2024-09-18 14:35
I have a holoport still in RC 3, im not in alpha, but if the team wants, you can use my holoport for test purposes.
Score 0
2024-09-18 14:08
Please go to @holotroopers for this
Score 0
2024-09-18 12:40
It's a Long lived test as mentioned above.
Score 0
2024-09-18 05:49
Anyone in Token2049 Singapore?https://x.com/Holochain/status/1836272192524329323
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:40
We even have olympic game for janitor
Score 0
2024-09-17 13:46
Architect would be a better fit
Score 0
2024-09-17 13:33
IMHO, mary is the ambassador, Arthur is the mechanic guy
Score 0
2024-09-17 10:17
Art runs Holochain foundation.
Score 0
2024-09-17 02:22
Mary is focused on getting business interested. As you can see from the pose. Eric is building Weave and the tools they go with it.Can’t say specifically what Art is doing. But it’s also behind the scenes.
Score 0





What is Holo?

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information Read more

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information. Holochain is an energy efficient post-blockchain ledger system and decentralized application platform that uses peer-to-peer networking for processing agent centric agreement and consensus systems between users. Holochain enables any device to have its own chain based ledger system. By using a holographic model for data storage and transfer developers can now create decentralized applications that can scale in multiple dimensions across a network ensuring they are truly distributed. This enables every device on a network to function independently, and only requires the synchronization of data when necessary, or agreed upon by users. This means every user is in control of their own data, and never has to risk their data being sold or exposed to 3rd parties like what just happened with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Holochain provides a framework for developers to build decentralized applications and aims to change the paradigm of data-centric blockchains to an agent-centric system. In Holochain’s fledgling system, no true global consensus is maintained. Instead, each agent in the public blockchain maintains a private fork, essentially, that is managed and stored in a limited way on the public blockchain with a distributed hash table. This means there are no scalability limits and dapps hosted on Holochain can do much more with less of nearly everything than traditional blockchains. This system however has some inherent weaknesses. Because the entire blockchain must be verified by each member of the network, scalability problems quickly develop. The larger the amount of data being handled, the more restrictive the limit of transactions per second that can occur on the blockchain at any one time.Holochain itself is open source and written in Go. Go was selected for its ease of use and similarity to C. Dapps written specifically for Holochain can be developed with JavaScript or Lisp, with support for front-end systems using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The developers added that Holochain is relatively flexible when it comes to handling new languages, so there is potential for growth on that front. Holochain bills itself as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional blockchains. Because there is no need for each individual agent to store and validate the global blockchain, Holochain only consumes a fraction of the bandwidth of traditional chains. Holochain also does not have a mining component, so there’s no electricity or processing power spent on proof-of-work calculations. Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun are the co-founders of Holochain and creators of Holochain. They have been designing alternatives currencies since the 80’s and have been working on Holu since before the Bitcoin whitepaper was written. To protect the incentives of users, founders and developers, Holochain is owned by a non-profit foundation. he company’s advisory team also includes Ryan Bubinski, the co-founder of CodeAcademy. In June, Holochain announced a new strategic partnership with Promether, an Adaptive Symbiotic Platform (ASP) that implements all the networking, security and anonymization code applications need to protect their data.

What is Holo?

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and prot Read more

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information. Holochain is an energy efficient post-blockchain ledger system and decentralized application platform that uses peer-to-peer networking for processing agent centric agreement and consensus systems between users. Holochain enables any device to have its own chain based ledger system. By using a holographic model for data storage and transfer developers can now create decentralized applications that can scale in multiple dimensions across a network ensuring they are truly distributed. This enables every device on a network to function independently, and only requires the synchronization of data when necessary, or agreed upon by users. This means every user is in control of their own data, and never has to risk their data being sold or exposed to 3rd parties like what just happened with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Holochain provides a framework for developers to build decentralized applications and aims to change the paradigm of data-centric blockchains to an agent-centric system. In Holochain’s fledgling system, no true global consensus is maintained. Instead, each agent in the public blockchain maintains a private fork, essentially, that is managed and stored in a limited way on the public blockchain with a distributed hash table. This means there are no scalability limits and dapps hosted on Holochain can do much more with less of nearly everything than traditional blockchains. This system however has some inherent weaknesses. Because the entire blockchain must be verified by each member of the network, scalability problems quickly develop. The larger the amount of data being handled, the more restrictive the limit of transactions per second that can occur on the blockchain at any one time.Holochain itself is open source and written in Go. Go was selected for its ease of use and similarity to C. Dapps written specifically for Holochain can be developed with JavaScript or Lisp, with support for front-end systems using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The developers added that Holochain is relatively flexible when it comes to handling new languages, so there is potential for growth on that front. Holochain bills itself as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional blockchains. Because there is no need for each individual agent to store and validate the global blockchain, Holochain only consumes a fraction of the bandwidth of traditional chains. Holochain also does not have a mining component, so there’s no electricity or processing power spent on proof-of-work calculations. Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun are the co-founders of Holochain and creators of Holochain. They have been designing alternatives currencies since the 80’s and have been working on Holu since before the Bitcoin whitepaper was written. To protect the incentives of users, founders and developers, Holochain is owned by a non-profit foundation. he company’s advisory team also includes Ryan Bubinski, the co-founder of CodeAcademy. In June, Holochain announced a new strategic partnership with Promether, an Adaptive Symbiotic Platform (ASP) that implements all the networking, security and anonymization code applications need to protect their data.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 3.06% 11.08% 18.76% 20.17%
Follower 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 0.03%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Apr 05 2021

$0.00 94.301%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Mar 13 2020

$0.00 709.2284%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#135 378,947
#714 107,060 3.33 9.80
@Holo (HOT)
#110 102,267
#89 25,709 1.00 1
#1206 7,030 8.75 16
C 60
621,013 (#247)
0.01% 7D
3% 7D
7,030 (#1206)
1.14% 7D
3% 7D
25,709 (#89)
0.01% 7D
3% 7D
102,267 (#110)
0.03% 7D
3% 7D
378,947 (#135)
0% 7D
3% 7D

📉 Losing Followers

The project is losing followers.

🟡 Non-Organic Growth Detected

Temporary non-organic growth observed ( 11/23 ).

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 23:19
My apologies in advance. I need to correct myself, we are NOT in the 30 day longevity test yet. But we are currently right before this happens, and will be the next phase we go through.
Score 80
2024-09-17 14:33
RT @Holochain: Today’s lunch with @Deloitte’s Center for the Edge in Singapore was a success! @marycamacho presented Holochain, with a deta…
Score 65
2024-09-17 14:34
RT @Holochain: Our booth is coming together! 📍Catch us at booth M87! #TOKEN2049 https://t.co/okAxLiC8Ie
Score 50
2024-09-19 12:50
RT @liz315: New product, ""Visible Verification"" announced by @Holochain at the @EntEthAlliance meetup at the EY office this morning. In par…
Score 45
2024-09-18 12:09
RT @Holochain: You're welcome! Come have a chat with us in our living room at #Token2049singapore. Level 4, Booth M87 near the arcade http…
Score 37
2024-09-17 15:38
Does the team think the long test will start somewhere this week?
Score 36
2024-09-19 13:21
Is there a Launch Brief scheduled for this month?
Score 30
2024-09-17 06:15
Mary has been CEO of HOLO since January 2018. So always 👍
Score 24
2024-09-18 19:14
fyi - I am still running 0.1.6. Posted on Holo forum multiple times, last few times to no response. I am in Alpha
Score 8
2024-09-18 11:38
Holo know they’ve got investors in a corner, most people bought at a high price and have watched their investment tank so they’ll just keep kicking the can down the road as no one will sell for a huge loss, they’d rather hold the lottery ticket than [...]
Score 8
2024-09-17 05:22
From recent posts I saw Mary is labeled as CEO. Art stepped down?
Score 8
2024-09-17 00:58
Absolutely. Both are still very deeply involved
Score 8
2024-09-17 17:47
Never underestimate the janitor’s
Score 2
2024-09-17 18:11
In the Singapore area and keen to go to the sold out TOKEN2049 conference?! We actually have two tickets for our long term supporters. Please DM us with a short message about why you would love to attend!
Score 2
2024-09-19 18:36
Mary Camacho and Liz Sweigart announced a new venture for Holochain at the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) event, hosted and sponsored by EY in Singapore this morning. Visible Verification will put software audits on-chain, making them visible thr[...]
Score 2
2024-09-17 15:34
Even janitors are important Nathan. Someone has to clean up🧻 when the 💩 overflows the 🚽.
Score 1
2024-09-18 14:51
Any update on the VASP-license? 🤞
Score 0
2024-09-20 00:53
Zebu Livehttps://www.zebulive.xyz/
Score 0
2024-09-19 10:27
@olyresmi please go to @Holotroopers for everything token related. This chat is not the place !
Score 0
2024-09-18 20:16
Report again. Tag @Rob. But don't worry. Some HP are left behind on purpose because they help the TEAM think about some small things to fix. The important thing is that you are Aurora and that you have access to the console 👍💪🙏🚀
Score 0
2024-09-18 15:49
Do you know how’s it going so far?
Score 0
2024-09-18 14:35
I have a holoport still in RC 3, im not in alpha, but if the team wants, you can use my holoport for test purposes.
Score 0
2024-09-18 14:08
Please go to @holotroopers for this
Score 0
2024-09-18 12:40
It's a Long lived test as mentioned above.
Score 0
2024-09-18 05:49
Anyone in Token2049 Singapore?https://x.com/Holochain/status/1836272192524329323
Score 0
2024-09-18 01:40
We even have olympic game for janitor
Score 0
2024-09-17 13:46
Architect would be a better fit
Score 0
2024-09-17 13:33
IMHO, mary is the ambassador, Arthur is the mechanic guy
Score 0
2024-09-17 10:17
Art runs Holochain foundation.
Score 0
2024-09-17 02:22
Mary is focused on getting business interested. As you can see from the pose. Eric is building Weave and the tools they go with it.Can’t say specifically what Art is doing. But it’s also behind the scenes.
Score 0

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Price $0.169162 +7.96% CD-Score 53/100
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Price $0.000012 +8.26% CD-Score 34/100

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