



What is Fuku-Kun?

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-co Read more

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-controlled tokens, and a fully renounced smart contract.

What is Fuku-Kun?

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famo Read more

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-controlled tokens, and a fully renounced smart contract.

7 New Partnerships (Last 90d)
Partner: @comparemcap - Compare coins and decide your next move! For listings and business inquiries send DM or: contact@com[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-29
Followers: 23,873

Happy to share another listing for $FUKU: We are now listed and being tracked at @comparemcap If $FUKU reaches $SHIB's current market cap, its price would be $0.022. That makes 5,601x! You can now compare FUKU with @Shibtoken and over 3500 coins at @comparemcap https://t.co/Do9vGZwbVX
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @Shibtoken - Welcome to the Official Twitter Account for the Shiba Inu Ecosystem. $SHIB $LEASH $BONE #SHIBOSHIS &[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-29
Followers: 3,859,609

Happy to share another listing for $FUKU: We are now listed and being tracked at @comparemcap If $FUKU reaches $SHIB's current market cap, its price would be $0.022. That makes 5,601x! You can now compare FUKU with @Shibtoken and over 3500 coins at @comparemcap https://t.co/Do9vGZwbVX
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Partner: @HTX_Global - Trade Crypto Only on HTX! Official Telegram: https://t.co/eYlmODVXRP
Announcement Date: 2024-08-22
Followers: 1,582,628

Hi @HTX_Global ! Keep an eye on @Fuku_on_ETH as we endeavor to climb the charts with 0 team controlled tokens, 0 paid influencers, 0 taxes, all with burnt LP and renounced CA ownership. Already listed on a great number of exchanges! https://t.co/RDAb4bhiED https://t.co/BaKH8LYbYa
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Partner: @binance - The world’s leading blockchain ecosystem and digital asset exchange | #Binance #BNB | Support: @Bina[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 12,904,306

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @BitKanOfficial - Get a $100 Sign-Up Gift 🎁 https://t.co/BOjKUxVrnT. #BitKan is the official crypto broker exchange of[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 40,727

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @okx - The only app you’ll need for 'all things crypto' | For Support: @OKXHelpDesk | For UK: @OKX_UK | Eng[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 5,221,897

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @bubblemaps - Innovative Visuals for Blockchain Data.
Announcement Date: 2024-08-12
Followers: 128,943

Bubblemaps listing is now up and running - warning flags are off and logo is on the listing, etc. https://t.co/WngOBBBPwK @bubblemaps $FUKU Also submitted to cmc to get our supply verified so as to move higher up in the ranks ✅
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A 100
23,295 (#2092)
0.02% 7D
5% 7D
4,931 (#1586)
0.32% 7D
5% 7D
489 (#2611)
6.77% 7D
5% 7D
13,425 (#1449)
0.46% 7D
5% 7D

💥 Rapid Growth

The community is experiencing rapid growth.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Aug 10 2024

$0.00 93.4%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 16 2024

$0.00 106%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#1449 13,425
#1586 4,931
#2780 4,450 8.00 36.17
@Fuku-Kun (FUKU)
#2611 489

Community Score

A 100

Fuku-Kun's community is presently earning an 'A' grade due to an impressive level of interactions relative to the number of followers. It has a moderate follower base and and recent growth. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Rapid Growth
Note: A previous giveaway could have led to a short-term boost in activity, not necessarily indicative of the community's long-term engagement.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 10.92% 37.63% 6.09% 40.26%
Follower 0.38% 0.02% 4.72% 13.83%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 03:33
$FUKU dip buyers right now https://t.co/UKqTesGqPK
Score 60
2024-09-17 18:56
Samurai $FUKU … something is brewing🔄 https://t.co/HPTOxHi2nN
Score 54
2024-09-18 15:39
$FUKU represents the culture https://t.co/Evd7JMF08N
Score 50
2024-09-18 00:08
Walk with $FUKU https://t.co/dQGSmCE5xr
Score 34
2024-09-17 18:07
Hearing it’s dog season, $FUKU time is now!!!!! https://t.co/7ShPpZo0YE
Score 25





What is Fuku-Kun?

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-co Read more

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-controlled tokens, and a fully renounced smart contract.

What is Fuku-Kun?

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famo Read more

The $FUKU project was launched to celebrate the friendship between KabosuMama, the owner of the famous Doge meme Shiba Inu, and a cute puppy discovered on her walks, Fuku-kun. The token embodies the values of friendship, happiness, and collaboration, drawing inspiration from Fuku-kun's joyful spirit and the bond he shares with KabosuMama. The project features a meme token with no taxes, no team-controlled tokens, and a fully renounced smart contract.

7 New Partnerships (Last 90d)
Partner: @comparemcap - Compare coins and decide your next move! For listings and business inquiries send DM or: contact@com[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-29
Followers: 23,873

Happy to share another listing for $FUKU: We are now listed and being tracked at @comparemcap If $FUKU reaches $SHIB's current market cap, its price would be $0.022. That makes 5,601x! You can now compare FUKU with @Shibtoken and over 3500 coins at @comparemcap https://t.co/Do9vGZwbVX
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @Shibtoken - Welcome to the Official Twitter Account for the Shiba Inu Ecosystem. $SHIB $LEASH $BONE #SHIBOSHIS &[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-29
Followers: 3,859,609

Happy to share another listing for $FUKU: We are now listed and being tracked at @comparemcap If $FUKU reaches $SHIB's current market cap, its price would be $0.022. That makes 5,601x! You can now compare FUKU with @Shibtoken and over 3500 coins at @comparemcap https://t.co/Do9vGZwbVX
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @HTX_Global - Trade Crypto Only on HTX! Official Telegram: https://t.co/eYlmODVXRP
Announcement Date: 2024-08-22
Followers: 1,582,628

Hi @HTX_Global ! Keep an eye on @Fuku_on_ETH as we endeavor to climb the charts with 0 team controlled tokens, 0 paid influencers, 0 taxes, all with burnt LP and renounced CA ownership. Already listed on a great number of exchanges! https://t.co/RDAb4bhiED https://t.co/BaKH8LYbYa
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @binance - The world’s leading blockchain ecosystem and digital asset exchange | #Binance #BNB | Support: @Bina[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 12,904,306

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @BitKanOfficial - Get a $100 Sign-Up Gift 🎁 https://t.co/BOjKUxVrnT. #BitKan is the official crypto broker exchange of[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 40,727

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @okx - The only app you’ll need for 'all things crypto' | For Support: @OKXHelpDesk | For UK: @OKX_UK | Eng[...]
Announcement Date: 2024-08-13
Followers: 5,221,897

We got another CEX listing $FUKU. Glad to be on @BitKanOfficial exchange. BitKan is one of the oldest exchange and also the official crypto broker of @binance &, @okx.
Go To Tweet →
Partner: @bubblemaps - Innovative Visuals for Blockchain Data.
Announcement Date: 2024-08-12
Followers: 128,943

Bubblemaps listing is now up and running - warning flags are off and logo is on the listing, etc. https://t.co/WngOBBBPwK @bubblemaps $FUKU Also submitted to cmc to get our supply verified so as to move higher up in the ranks ✅
Go To Tweet →
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 10.92% 37.63% 6.09% 40.26%
Follower 0.38% 0.02% 4.72% 13.83%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Aug 10 2024

$0.00 93.4%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 16 2024

$0.00 106%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#1449 13,425
#1586 4,931
#2780 4,450 8.00 36.17
@Fuku-Kun (FUKU)
#2611 489
A 100
23,295 (#2092)
0.02% 7D
5% 7D
4,931 (#1586)
0.32% 7D
5% 7D
489 (#2611)
6.77% 7D
5% 7D
13,425 (#1449)
0.46% 7D
5% 7D

💥 Rapid Growth

The community is experiencing rapid growth.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-18 03:33
$FUKU dip buyers right now https://t.co/UKqTesGqPK
Score 60
2024-09-17 18:56
Samurai $FUKU … something is brewing🔄 https://t.co/HPTOxHi2nN
Score 54
2024-09-18 15:39
$FUKU represents the culture https://t.co/Evd7JMF08N
Score 50
2024-09-18 00:08
Walk with $FUKU https://t.co/dQGSmCE5xr
Score 34
2024-09-17 18:07
Hearing it’s dog season, $FUKU time is now!!!!! https://t.co/7ShPpZo0YE
Score 25

Coins to Watch

Price $0.157769 -0.93% CD-Score 52/100
Price $0.485760 -7.42% CD-Score 45/100
Price $2,985.69 +2.58% CD-Score 53/100

Coins to Watch