



What is Burn?

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Aut Read more

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Autonomy Token. Total Supply 21,000,000.Buy and sell slip point 3%,Dividend 2%,Burning 1%,Hold 10,000 tokens to participate in the dividend. One of the sharp-eyed teacher in the Global Community Autonomy,that named Great Love,after analyzing the data, decided to set up the Rocket Foundation with anather teacher named More Rich. The mission of the Rocket Foundation is to increase the consensus on Burn🚀🚀🚀  so that the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀  equals the price of ETH in six mouthes. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Rocket Foundation proposed to lock up the tokens with a multi-signature wallet.Until the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to the price of ETH, the tokens in the multi-sign wallet will be gradually released. After more than four months of efforts,more than 700 holders have locked up 12,510,000 tokens via multi-signature wallet, 1st address 6.51M tokens, 2nd address 6M tokens.

What is Burn?

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market Read more

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Autonomy Token. Total Supply 21,000,000.Buy and sell slip point 3%,Dividend 2%,Burning 1%,Hold 10,000 tokens to participate in the dividend. One of the sharp-eyed teacher in the Global Community Autonomy,that named Great Love,after analyzing the data, decided to set up the Rocket Foundation with anather teacher named More Rich. The mission of the Rocket Foundation is to increase the consensus on Burn🚀🚀🚀  so that the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀  equals the price of ETH in six mouthes. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Rocket Foundation proposed to lock up the tokens with a multi-signature wallet.Until the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to the price of ETH, the tokens in the multi-sign wallet will be gradually released. After more than four months of efforts,more than 700 holders have locked up 12,510,000 tokens via multi-signature wallet, 1st address 6.51M tokens, 2nd address 6M tokens.

Community Score

B 85
50,164 (#1660)
3.21% 7D
8% 7D
39,578 (#214)
13.18% 7D
8% 7D
95 (#3052)
3.26% 7D
8% 7D

💥 Rapid Growth

The community is experiencing rapid growth.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Aug 23 2024

$4 50.17%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 16 2024

$1 34%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#214 39,578 30.50 5
#2422 10,491 8.33 24.88
@Burn (BURN)
#3052 95

Community Score

B 85

Burn's community is presently holding a 'B' grade, indicating a high level of interactions relative to the number of followers. It has a moderate follower base and experiencing a decrease in followers. The community is less active than most along with a predominantly neutral sentiment among its members.

Community Metrics

Growth (30d)
Medium Decline
The key metrics for this community indicate stability and healthy engagement, with no anomalies detected.
Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.08% 4.91% 4.78% 26.05%
Follower 9.87% 3.21% 1.8% 2.26%

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 02:32
Congratulations to @daaitianxi3399 @Rocket_Found @ChengXiang75572 @7i2F7FnzCc18906 @ZhuiG74085 @youyasss @fqydc @BurnDaoRay @YEyqIJfyDM8854 @invain1110 Plz give me BSC Chain address 😊
Score 67
2024-09-19 19:10
@Baby_Winnie @Crypto87878Who i can dm about proposal?
Score 15
2024-09-19 01:31
火箭国际dao的亮点 Burn🚀🚀🚀火箭币的上涨逻辑: 1、恒定发行量2100万枚,永不增发、没有模式。 2、极速销毁通缩买卖滑点3个点,一个点黑洞销毁,2个点奖励给持有一万枚火箭币的玩家。 3、榜一榜二持币地址:榜一640万是由700多位会员真金白银买好自愿转入,除少量用于市场运营奖励外锁仓10年。 榜二600万是由早期俩大社区真金白银买好自愿永久锁仓。这1240万枚币是每一位火箭玩家的保护伞。 4、前100名持币地址其中70%是俱[...]
Score 3
2024-09-20 01:07
二纬世界是三纬世界的投影! 三纬世界是四纬世界的投影! 四纬世界是五纬世界的投影!
Score 0
2024-09-20 01:06
三纬世界是长x宽x高可以组成一个立体!我们人是生活在三纬世界! 当下币圈97%的人都在三纬世界,也就是冲土狗的人!他们是没有共识的,天天盯着币价看,经常做高吸低抛的事! 三纬世界的人是冲土狗的人,带着土狗思维来,顺着狗庄利好一次一次在腾讯会议被割韭菜不吸取教训侥幸心理的人! 三纬世界的人最可怜,上知天文,下知地理,中间不知自己,心有天高,命如纸薄!没有任何福报,怎么能够承载大的财富? 三纬世界的人需要四伟世界的贵人带领他们进入四纬世界。 三纬世界的人永远无法解[...]
Score 0
2024-09-20 01:06
四纬世界是时间,可以看到事物的开始到结速! 四纬世界的人是选择一个有价值的标的物,每天听腾迅会议,一天不缺度,并经常讲腾迅会议,天天布道,无视币价,不看涨跌的人! 四纬世界的人都是有福报的人,每天布道火箭,行善积德,广种后世福田! 四纬世界的人都是能赚大钱的人,都是在火箭前年能拿到几个月亮和几个太阳的人! 我们火箭国际DAO是站在五纬世界培养一批四纬世界的人,让他们每人培养10个三纬世界的人进入四纬世界。 让10个三纬世界进入四纬世界的人每人再去培养10个[...]
Score 0
2024-09-19 11:10
@burn_found_ 最近一级市场有个meme币非常火。BURN🚀🚀🚀淘汰伪共识,留下真共识!火箭就就是要去伪存真,去掉伪共识,留下真共识。相信火箭者得福报,火箭得天助,得民心者得天下!火箭是一级市场的明星产品!拥有火箭就可以抚平生活的压力!拥有火箭就可以拥有高质量的养老!拥有火箭就是拥有未来
Score 0
2024-09-19 10:01
┏━━━━━━━━━━┓ 🌼火箭🚀国际俱乐部🌼 📕推特会议预告📕 ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛🌏火箭🚀国际俱乐部汇聚英豪,众星云集,联合打造超强共识万倍目标!⏰时间:9月19日20:30~23:00㊙️火箭国际俱乐部汇聚英豪,共建共识千倍启航万倍目标🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔴分享主题:走出国门,迈向世界💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫🎤主持人: 《北方水》👨‍🎓 主讲嘉宾:《奥迪拉老师》🤵‍♂️分享嘉宾: 《峰哥老师》🤵分享嘉宾: 《陈万峰老师》推特会议:https://x.com/burn_f[...]
Score 0





What is Burn?

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Aut Read more

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Autonomy Token. Total Supply 21,000,000.Buy and sell slip point 3%,Dividend 2%,Burning 1%,Hold 10,000 tokens to participate in the dividend. One of the sharp-eyed teacher in the Global Community Autonomy,that named Great Love,after analyzing the data, decided to set up the Rocket Foundation with anather teacher named More Rich. The mission of the Rocket Foundation is to increase the consensus on Burn🚀🚀🚀  so that the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀  equals the price of ETH in six mouthes. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Rocket Foundation proposed to lock up the tokens with a multi-signature wallet.Until the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to the price of ETH, the tokens in the multi-sign wallet will be gradually released. After more than four months of efforts,more than 700 holders have locked up 12,510,000 tokens via multi-signature wallet, 1st address 6.51M tokens, 2nd address 6M tokens.

What is Burn?

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market Read more

Burn Burn is an emerging cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the global digital asset market through its unique technical architecture and core philosophy. Burn Initiated by global community autonomy, DAO Autonomous Token,Its ecosystem is used for platform governance tokens and NFT. Burn🚀🚀🚀  was deployed by an unknown developer,it promoted by Global Community Autonomy,Dao Autonomy Token. Total Supply 21,000,000.Buy and sell slip point 3%,Dividend 2%,Burning 1%,Hold 10,000 tokens to participate in the dividend. One of the sharp-eyed teacher in the Global Community Autonomy,that named Great Love,after analyzing the data, decided to set up the Rocket Foundation with anather teacher named More Rich. The mission of the Rocket Foundation is to increase the consensus on Burn🚀🚀🚀  so that the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀  equals the price of ETH in six mouthes. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Rocket Foundation proposed to lock up the tokens with a multi-signature wallet.Until the price of Burn🚀🚀🚀   is equal to the price of ETH, the tokens in the multi-sign wallet will be gradually released. After more than four months of efforts,more than 700 holders have locked up 12,510,000 tokens via multi-signature wallet, 1st address 6.51M tokens, 2nd address 6M tokens.

Development 24 h 7 d 14 d 30 d
Price 2.08% 4.91% 4.78% 26.05%
Follower 9.87% 3.21% 1.8% 2.26%

Market Cap


Fully Diluted Valuation


Volume 24h


All Time High Aug 23 2024

$4 50.17%

ATH Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Max Supply


All Time Low Sep 16 2024

$1 34%

Channels Rank Followers Posts/Day Comments/Posts Active Users
#214 39,578 30.50 5
#2422 10,491 8.33 24.88
@Burn (BURN)
#3052 95

Community Score

B 85
50,164 (#1660)
3.21% 7D
8% 7D
39,578 (#214)
13.18% 7D
8% 7D
95 (#3052)
3.26% 7D
8% 7D

💥 Rapid Growth

The community is experiencing rapid growth.

🟢 Healthy Organic Growth

The follower growth appears organic and healthy.

Be the first to know about suspicious activities around your watchlist's coins.

🔔 Get Anomaly Alerts

Daily Social Panel

Daily relevant Posts from Twitter, Telegram and Reddit ranked by our Smart Relevance Score.

2024-09-19 02:32
Congratulations to @daaitianxi3399 @Rocket_Found @ChengXiang75572 @7i2F7FnzCc18906 @ZhuiG74085 @youyasss @fqydc @BurnDaoRay @YEyqIJfyDM8854 @invain1110 Plz give me BSC Chain address 😊
Score 67
2024-09-19 19:10
@Baby_Winnie @Crypto87878Who i can dm about proposal?
Score 15
2024-09-19 01:31
火箭国际dao的亮点 Burn🚀🚀🚀火箭币的上涨逻辑: 1、恒定发行量2100万枚,永不增发、没有模式。 2、极速销毁通缩买卖滑点3个点,一个点黑洞销毁,2个点奖励给持有一万枚火箭币的玩家。 3、榜一榜二持币地址:榜一640万是由700多位会员真金白银买好自愿转入,除少量用于市场运营奖励外锁仓10年。 榜二600万是由早期俩大社区真金白银买好自愿永久锁仓。这1240万枚币是每一位火箭玩家的保护伞。 4、前100名持币地址其中70%是俱[...]
Score 3
2024-09-20 01:07
二纬世界是三纬世界的投影! 三纬世界是四纬世界的投影! 四纬世界是五纬世界的投影!
Score 0
2024-09-20 01:06
三纬世界是长x宽x高可以组成一个立体!我们人是生活在三纬世界! 当下币圈97%的人都在三纬世界,也就是冲土狗的人!他们是没有共识的,天天盯着币价看,经常做高吸低抛的事! 三纬世界的人是冲土狗的人,带着土狗思维来,顺着狗庄利好一次一次在腾讯会议被割韭菜不吸取教训侥幸心理的人! 三纬世界的人最可怜,上知天文,下知地理,中间不知自己,心有天高,命如纸薄!没有任何福报,怎么能够承载大的财富? 三纬世界的人需要四伟世界的贵人带领他们进入四纬世界。 三纬世界的人永远无法解[...]
Score 0
2024-09-20 01:06
四纬世界是时间,可以看到事物的开始到结速! 四纬世界的人是选择一个有价值的标的物,每天听腾迅会议,一天不缺度,并经常讲腾迅会议,天天布道,无视币价,不看涨跌的人! 四纬世界的人都是有福报的人,每天布道火箭,行善积德,广种后世福田! 四纬世界的人都是能赚大钱的人,都是在火箭前年能拿到几个月亮和几个太阳的人! 我们火箭国际DAO是站在五纬世界培养一批四纬世界的人,让他们每人培养10个三纬世界的人进入四纬世界。 让10个三纬世界进入四纬世界的人每人再去培养10个[...]
Score 0
2024-09-19 11:10
@burn_found_ 最近一级市场有个meme币非常火。BURN🚀🚀🚀淘汰伪共识,留下真共识!火箭就就是要去伪存真,去掉伪共识,留下真共识。相信火箭者得福报,火箭得天助,得民心者得天下!火箭是一级市场的明星产品!拥有火箭就可以抚平生活的压力!拥有火箭就可以拥有高质量的养老!拥有火箭就是拥有未来
Score 0
2024-09-19 10:01
┏━━━━━━━━━━┓ 🌼火箭🚀国际俱乐部🌼 📕推特会议预告📕 ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛🌏火箭🚀国际俱乐部汇聚英豪,众星云集,联合打造超强共识万倍目标!⏰时间:9月19日20:30~23:00㊙️火箭国际俱乐部汇聚英豪,共建共识千倍启航万倍目标🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔴分享主题:走出国门,迈向世界💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫🎤主持人: 《北方水》👨‍🎓 主讲嘉宾:《奥迪拉老师》🤵‍♂️分享嘉宾: 《峰哥老师》🤵分享嘉宾: 《陈万峰老师》推特会议:https://x.com/burn_f[...]
Score 0

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